UT / Unique Toys

Unique Toys UT M01-05 Ragnaros (Bruticus, Combaticons ) Full set of 5 Figures 45cm / 18"
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Features: This UT  Ragnaros (in homage to G1 Bruticus, combiner of the members of the Combaticons). Unique Toys Ragnaros features a unique and classic way in its designs of combination. No accessories are needed to form the main body of the combiner. Have fun with UT's unique design in combination and transformation of the figures.  Buy individual members here: UT Ragnaros Combiner (Bruticus) Status: 2019 - 7 In stock Parameters: Producer Unique Toys (UT) Size Combiner mode 45cm tall (head to toe). Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Includes all the 5 members that form Ragnaros      
Unique Toys UT M05 M-05 Ragnaros Winterchill (Bruticus, Combaticons, Vortex ) 19cm / 7.5"
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Features: This UT M05 Ragnaros as the left arm of the Ragnaros (in homage to G1 Vortex, member of the Combaticons and combines with the members into the mighty Bruticus), transforms into an armed Helicopter in its disguise mode.  Unique Toys Ragnaros features a unique and classic way in its designs of combination. No accessories are needed to form the main body of the combiner. Have fun with UT's unique design in combination and transformation of the figures.  Buy other members and the full 5 sets here: UT Ragnaros Combiner (Bruticus) Status: 2019 - 7 In stock Parameters: Producer Unique Toys (UT) Size Robot Form Approx. 19 cm (7.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Main body of the Ragnaros in combiner mode      
Unique Toys UT M04 M-04 Ragnaros Broodlord (Bruticus, Combaticons, Blast off ) 19cm / 7.5"
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Features: This UT M03 Broodlord, as the right arm of the Ragnaros (in homage to G1 Blast off, member of the Combaticons and combines with the members into the mighty Bruticus), transforms into an military conveyor in its disguise mode.  Unique Toys Ragnaros features a unique and classic way in its designs of combination. No accessories are needed to form the main body of the combiner. Have fun with UT's unique design in combination and transformation of the figures.  Buy other members and the full 5 sets here: UT Ragnaros Combiner (Bruticus) Status: 2019 - 7 In stock Parameters: Producer Unique Toys (UT) Size Robot Form Approx. 19 cm (7.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Main body of the Ragnaros in combiner mode      
Unique Toys UT M03 M-03 Ragnaros Kalecgo (Bruticus, Combaticons, Onslaught ) 23cm / 9"
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Features: This UT M03 Kalecgo, as the main body of the Ragnaros (in homage to G1 Onslaught, member of the Combaticons and combines with the members into the mighty Bruticus), transforms into an armed truck in its disguise mode.  Unique Toys Ragnaros features a unique and classic way in its designs of combination. No accessories are needed to form the main body of the combiner. Have fun with UT's unique design in combination and transformation of the figures.  Buy other members and the full 5 sets here: UT Ragnaros Combiner (Bruticus) Status: 2019 - 7 In stock Parameters: Producer Unique Toys (UT) Size Robot Form Approx. 23 cm (9 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Main body of the Ragnaros in combiner mode      
Unique Toys UT M02 M-02 Ragnaros Gahz Ranka (Bruticus, Combaticons, Swindle )19cm / 7.5"
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Features: This UT M02 Gahz Ranka, as the left leg of the Ragnaros (in homage to G1 Swindle, member of the Combaticons and combines with the members into the mighty Bruticus), transforms into an armed jeep in its disguise mode.  Unique Toys Ragnaros features a unique and classic way in its designs of combination. No accessories are needed to form the main body of the combiner. Have fun with UT's unique design in combination and transformation of the figures.  Buy other members and the full 5 sets here: UT Ragnaros Combiner (Bruticus) Status: 2019 - 7 In stock Parameters: Producer Unique Toys (UT) Size Robot Form Approx. 19cm (7.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Left leg of the Ragnaros in combiner mode      
Unique Toys UT M01 M-01 Ragnaros Archimonde (Bruticus, Combaticons, Brawl )19cm / 7.5"
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Features: This UT M01 Archimonde, as the right leg of the Ragnaros (in homage to G1 Brawl, member of the Combaticons and combines with the members into the mighty Bruticus), transforms into a heavily armored tank in its disguise mode.  Unique Toys Ragnaros features a unique and classic way in its designs of combination. No accessories are needed to form the main body of the combiner. Have fun with UT's unique design in combination and transformation of the figures.  Status: 2019 - 7 In stock Parameters: Producer Unique Toys (UT) Size Robot Form Approx. 19cm (7.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Right leg of the Ragnaros in combiner mode      


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