GT / Generation Toy

Generation Toy GT-11D GT11D Redbull (Sideswipe) Black Version 16cm / 6.5"
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Features: This GT-11D Redbull, in homage to G1 Sideswipe but with an original design, is another masterpiece by Generation Toy (3rd party transformers producer). It stands 16cm (6.5 inches) tall with fantastic comic-like painting. It transforms into a furious mechanical black and golden bull.   Status: 2023-3 In stock   Parameters: Producer Generation Toy (GT) Size Robot Form Approx. 16cm (6.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Inspired by G1 Sideswipe, but of an original design    
Daban 9907 IDW Optimus Prime (KO Generation Toy GT-03 GT03) 24cm
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Features: This set is the KO version of  GT-03 Optimus Prime from Generation Toy  stands 24cm (9.5 inches) tall, it is inspired by the classic image of Optimus Prime in the IDW Comics. (Some product photos used are for the GT version.) Comparing to original set from GT,nothing in this set has been simplified (see product photos, the KO Daban set is on the right). Common complaints are that the paintings and plastic material used of Daban is not as good, anyway considering its price, this defect can be accepted.    Status: 2022-5 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Daban Size Robot Form Approx. 24cm (9.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note Inspired by IDW Comic    
Generation Toy GT GT-08E GT08E Foo Fighter Inferno (Hot Spot, Defensor, Guardian Robot) 25cm / 10“
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Features: This GT-08E Foo Fighter, another masterpiece by Generation Toy (3rd party transformer producer), transforms into an fire engine and the main body of the GT Guardian. The figure features die-cast parts, rubber tyres, and transparent windows.    Status:  2022-1 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Generation Toy (GT) Size Robot Form Approx. 25cm (10 Inches) Tall, Combiner height 38cm Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note Inspired by IDW Comic    
Generation Toy GT-02 GT02 (GT-03 GT-3) Tyrant (IDW Megatron) Reissue 24cm / 9.5"
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Features: * The reissue version (marked on the box GT-3) features difference as below (comparing to the old version): - Transparent black plastic parts are applied (Not obviously transparent under natural light but makes the main color tone of the figure more glossy and  vivid) - The Fusion cannon is remolded with a longer body and added with a purple laser effect part. - The bomber mode features a much bigger wingspan (with the remolded fusion cannon) Generation toy's latest evil leader GT-02 Tyrant (3rd party transformer design ) transforms from B2 stealth bomber to robot (in homage to Megatron in the IDW comics). All hail the domineering Megatron. Alloy / Diecast part included.  Platform model support included as accessory makes it easier to present the figure in different posture.    Status:  2021-7 Reissue version in stock.  Short display video for this reissue version:    Parameters: Producer Generation Toy (GT) Size Robot Form Approx. 24cm...
Generation Toy GT-10A GT10A Gorilla (BW Optimus Primal ) Chrome White Version 25cm / 10"
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Features: *Note: This is a repainted white version of GT-10 Gorilla with chrome parts added  This GT-10 Gorilla , in homage to Optimus Primal in Beast war but with an original design, is another masterpiece by Generation Toy (3rd party transformers producer), stands 25cm (10 inches) tall with fantastic comic-like painting and is equipped with 2 shoulder cannons and a set of double swords.  It transforms into a powerful mechanical gorilla.    Status: 2020-7 In stock     Parameters: Producer Generation Toy (GT) Size Robot Form Approx. 25cm (10 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Inspired by optimus primal, but of an original design    
Generation Toy GT-11 GT11 Redbull (Sideswipe) 16cm / 6.5"
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Full Price $75.99

Features: This GT-11 Redbull, in homage to G1 Sideswipe but with an original design, is another masterpiece by Generation Toy (3rd party transformers producer). It stands 16cm (6.5 inches) tall with fantastic comic-like painting. It transforms into a furious mechanical red bull.   Status: 2020-5 In stock   Parameters: Producer Generation Toy (GT) Size Robot Form Approx. 16cm (6.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Inspired by G1 Sideswipe, but of an original design    
Generation Toy GT GT-08C GT08C Bulance ( First Aid, Defensor, Guardian Robot ) 17cm / 6.7"
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Features: This GT-08C Bulance, another masterpiece by Generation Toy (3rd party transformer producer) in homage to G1 First Aid of the Guardian robots,   transforms into an ambulance (with a trailer ) and the right leg of the GT Guardian. The Guardian (Defensor) stands 38cm / 15" tall, with all the 5 members being able to transform into 3 different modes without any extra accessories.    Status:  2019-10 In stock.     Parameters: Producer Generation Toy (GT) Size Robot Form Approx. 17cm (6.7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note Inspired by IDW Comic    
Generation Toy GT GT-08D GT08D Motor ( Groove, Defensor, Guardian Robot ) 17cm / 6.7"
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Features: This GT-08D Motor, another masterpiece by Generation Toy (3rd party transformer producer) in homage to G1 Groove of the Guardian robots,   transforms into a police car (the version we got is the English version with the stickr reads "Police") and the right arm of the GT Guardian. The Guardian (Defensor) stands 38cm / 15" tall, with all the 5 members being able to transform into 3 different modes without any extra accessories.    Status:  2019-10 In stock.     Parameters: Producer Generation Toy (GT) Size Robot Form Approx. 17cm (6.7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note Inspired by IDW Comic    
Generation Toy GT GT-08A GT08A Seageant ( Streetwise, Defensor, Guardian Robot ) 17cm / 6.7"
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Features: This GT-08A Seageant, another masterpiece by Generation Toy (3rd party transformer producer) in homage to G1 Streetwise of the Guardian robots,   transforms into a police car (the version we got is the English version with the stickr reads "Police") and the right arm of the GT Guardian. The Guardian (Defensor) stands 38cm / 15" tall, with all the 5 members being able to transform into 3 different modes without any extra accessories.    Status:  2019-10 In stock.     Parameters: Producer Generation Toy (GT) Size Robot Form Approx. 17cm (6.7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note Inspired by IDW Comic    
Generation Toy GT GT-08B GT08B Copter ( Blades, Defensor, Guardian Robot ) 17cm / 6.7"
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Features: This GT-08B Copter, another masterpiece by Generation Toy (3rd party transformer producer) in homage to G1 Blades of the Guardian robots,   transforms into an helicopter and the right arm of the GT Guardian. The Guardian (Defensor) stands 38cm / 15" tall, with all the 5 members being able to transform into 3 different modes without any extra accessories.    Status:  2019-10 In stock.     Parameters: Producer Generation Toy (GT) Size Robot Form Approx. 17cm (6.7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note Inspired by IDW Comic    
Generation Toy GT-03B GT03B IDW Nemesis Prime (Optimus Prime Black Version) 24cm / 9.5"
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Features: This GT-03 Optimus Prime, another masterpiece by Generation Toy (3rd party transformer producer), stands 24cm (9.5 inches) tall with fantastic movability  (much better than the Classic MP10) would definitely be another desirable choice of your collections. Transform and roll out.  Smart and smooth design of deformation process. Perfect presentation of truck form (Seamless) Parameters: Producer Generation Toy (GT) Size Robot Form Approx. 24cm (9.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note Inspired by IDW Comic    
Generation Toy GT-10 GT10 Gorilla (BW Optimus Primal ) 25cm
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Features: This GT-10 Gorilla , in homage to Optimus Primal in Beast war but with an original design, is another masterpiece by Generation Toy (3rd party transformers producer), stands 25cm (10 inches) tall with fantastic comic-like painting and is equipped with 2 shoulder cannons and a set of double swords.  It transforms into a powerful mechanical gorilla.  Parameters: Producer Generation Toy (GT) Size Robot Form Approx. 25cm (10 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Inspired by optimus primal, but of an original design    
Generation Toy GT-03 GT03 IDW Optimus Prime 24cm
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Features: This GT-03 Optimus Prime, another masterpiece by Generation Toy (3rd party transformer producer), stands 24cm (9.5 inches) tall with fantastic movability  (much better than the Classic MP10) would definitely be another desirable choice of your collections. Transform and roll out.  Smart and smooth design of deformation process. Perfect presentation of truck form (Seamless)   Status: 2019-6 reissue version with new color tone In stock(a little bit different from the product photo.)   Parameters: Producer Generation Toy (GT) Size Robot Form Approx. 24cm (9.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note Inspired by IDW Comic    


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