Dream Star Toys

Dream Star Toys DST01-003 DST-003 Blitzbolt Encourager Combiner ( Silverbolt, Aerialbots , Superion) Metallic Version DreamStarToys
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Features: The DST01-003 Blitzbolt, in homage to the classic G1 image of Silverbolt, is designed originally by Dream Star Toys (A new 3rd party studio for transformers). It transforms into a Concorde (accurately following the real design of the Concord) and the main body of the final combiner This figure features: - Metallic painting - Die-cast parts added - Extremely highly articulated waist joint - All built-in design for the combiner mode (hand of the combiner is buit into this figure, no extra accessories are needed for the combiner mode) This Encourager Combiner , by Dream Star Toys in homage to the G1 Superion is the mighty combiner of the 5 members with original design and matte metallic painting.  Status: 2023-9 1st batch in stock.    Parameters:  Producer DST Toys / Dream Star Toys Size Height of Combiner 55cm (22")  Material ABS Plastic + Die cast Shipment From China Note Main body
Dream Star Toys DST01-002 DST-02 Highdive Encourager Combiner ( Skydive, Aerialbots , Superion) Metallic Version 22cm (8.5") DreamStarToys
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Features: The DST01-002 Highdive, in homage to the classic G1 image of Skydive, is designed originally by Dream Star Toys (A new 3rd party studio for transformers). It transforms into a Harrier Jump Jet (accurately following the real design of the Harrier Jet). It transforms into a jet fighter as well as one leg of the combiner.  This figure features: - Metallic painting - Die-cast parts added - Extremely highly articulated waist joint - All built-in design for the combiner mode (hand of the combiner is buit into this figure, no extra accessories are needed for the combiner mode) This Encourager Combiner , by Dream Star Toys in homage to the G1 Superion is the mighty combiner of the 5 members with original design and matte metallic painting.    Status: 2022-10 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer DST Toys / Dream Star Toys Size Height of Combiner 55cm (22") / Skydive 22cm / 8.5"  Material ABS Plastic + Die...
Dream Star Toys DST01-001 DST-01 Slingshoot Encourager Combiner ( Slingshot, Aerialbots , Superion) Metallic Version 22cm (8.5") DreamStarToys
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Features: The DST01-001 Slingshoot, in homage to the classic G1 image of Slingshot, is designed originally by Dream Star Toys (A new 3rd party studio for transformers). It transforms into a Harrier Jump Jet (accurately following the real design of the Harrier Jet). This figure features: - Metallic painting - Die-cast parts added - Extremely highly articulated waist joint - All built-in design for the combiner mode (hand of the combiner is buit into this figure, no extra accessories are needed for the combiner mode) This Encourager Combiner , by Dream Star Toys in homage to the G1 Superion is the mighty combiner of the 5 members with original design and matte metallic painting.    Status: 2022-4 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer DST Toys / Dream Star Toys Size Height of Combiner 55cm (22") / Slingshoot 22cm / 8.5"  Material ABS Plastic + Die cast Shipment From China Note Left arm 
Dream Star Toys DST01-005 DST-05 Scorch Flight Encourager Combiner (Fireflight, Aerialbots , Superion) Metallic Version 22cm (8.5") DreamStarToys
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Features: The DST01-005 Scorch Flight, in homage to the classic G1 image of Fireflight, is designed originally by Dream Star Toys (A new 3rd party studio for transformers). It transforms into a jet fighter as well as one leg of the combiner.  This figure features: - Metallic painting - Die-cast parts added - Extremely highly articulated waist joint - All built-in design for the combiner mode (hand of the combiner is buit into this figure, no extra accessories are needed for the combiner mode) This Encourager Combiner , by Dream Star Toys in homage to the G1 Superion is the mighty combiner of the 5 members with original design and matte metallic painting.    Status: To be released in Q1-Q2, 2024. Full price at USD119.99. Pre-order customer get special discount.    Parameters:  Producer DST Toys / Dream Star Toys Size Height of Combiner 55cm (22") / Scorth Flight 22cm / 8.5"  Material ABS Plastic + Die cast Shipment...
Dream Star Toys DST01-004 DST-04 Top Raid Encourager Combiner ( Air Raid, Aerialbots , Superion) Metallic Version 22cm (8.5") DreamStarToys
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Features: The DST01-004 Top Raid, in homage to the classic G1 image of Air Raid, is designed originally by Dream Star Toys (A new 3rd party studio for transformers). It transforms into a jet fighter as well as one leg of the combiner.  This figure features: - Metallic painting - Die-cast parts added - Extremely highly articulated waist joint - All built-in design for the combiner mode (hand of the combiner is buit into this figure, no extra accessories are needed for the combiner mode) This Encourager Combiner , by Dream Star Toys in homage to the G1 Superion is the mighty combiner of the 5 members with original design and matte metallic painting.    Status: 2023-11 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer DST Toys / Dream Star Toys Size Height of Combiner 55cm (22") / Skydive 22cm / 8.5"  Material ABS Plastic + Die cast Shipment From China Note One leg of the combiner
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Dream Star Toys DST02-001 DST02001 Forklift Warrior ( Scrapper, Constructicon, Devastator Combiner) DreamStarToys Metallic Version 24.5 cm / 9.6"

Features: The DST02-001 Forklift Warrior, in homage to the classic G1 image of Scrapper in Constructicons, is designed originally by Dream Star Toys (A new 3rd party studio for transformers). It transforms into a forklift. The whole combiner , by Dream Star Toys in homage to the G1 Constructicon is the mighty combiner of the 5 members with original design and matte metallic painting.    Status: 2024-11 1st batch in stock.   Parameters:  Producer DST Toys / Dream Star Toys Size Height of Combiner 55cm (22") / Slingshoot 22cm / 8.5"  Material ABS Plastic + Die cast Shipment From China Note Left arm 


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