TF Toy Figures

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JB Jinbao Pocket Size Six Ninja (IDW Sixshot) Blue / Green Version 17cm / 6.7"

Features:  *Note:  This page includes 2 buy options, pls make sure you choose the right one you want.  This Jinbao Six Ninja is an minimized robot in homage to IDW Sixhot. It transforms into six different disguise mode.  The figure features: -  2 x katanas, 2 x laser guns; - Several ratchet joints are added;    Status: 2023-9 New batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Jinbao (JB) Size 17cm / 6.7“ Material ABS Shipment From China Note New version of IDW Sixshot
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JB Jinbao Pocket Size Six Ninja (IDW Sixshot) 17cm / 6.7"

Features:  This Jinbao Six Ninja is an minimized robot in homage to IDW Sixhot. It transforms into six different disguise mode.  The figure features: -  2 x katanas, 2 x laser guns; - Several ratchet joints are added;  Status: 2022-11 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Jinbao (JB) Size 17cm / 6.7“ Material ABS Shipment From China Note New version of IDW Sixshot
DX9 Toys D10 Hanzo (Sixshot) (Blue Chest) 27 cm / 10.5"
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Features: This D10G Hanzo, by DX9 Toys (famous 3rd party transformer toy studio) in homage to the offical G1 Sixshot, is an original and unique design. Hanzo is a mighty ninja which transforms into 5 different disguise modes.  This figure contains diversified weapons and accessories besides the main toy figure.  Whole set includes: 1 × Main figure2 × Laser rifles2 × Katanas2 × Kunais   Status:  2022-6 Reissue batch in stock.   Parameters:  Producer DX9 Toys Size Robot Form Approx. 27cm (10.5Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note MP Size Sixshot
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MFT MechFansToys MF-27B MF27B Shadows Samurai (Sixshot Black Version) 14cm

Features:  MF27B Shadows Samurai is a repainted black version of MF-27 Sixninja by Mech Fans Toys. It would be a six-changer in homage to G1 Sixshot. This reissue version would be released with a new red power-suit as a special gift.   Status: 2021-5 In stock.    Parameters: Producer Mech Fans Toys (MFT) Size Robot Form Approx. 14cm (5.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Six Changer, Original Design. 
GC G-Creation GCreation GDW-03B Darkblade (Sixshot, Fumma Black Version) IDW Limited Version 30mm / 11.5“
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Features:  *Note:This is the black version with limited qty.  The powerful Fuuma designed by G-Creation (a new 3rd party Transformer toy studio)is a 30mm (11.5 Inches) tall ninja warrior as well as a mysterious existence in the dark side. It is a six changer which can be presented in 6 different modes (including robot mode). - Size compatible with Official MP series Models; - Diversified weapons - Diecast part & blade - High articulation.    Status:  2021-5 In stock.     Parameters: Producer G-Creation ( GC ) Size Robot Form Approx. 30cm (12 Inches) Tall, MP size Material ABS Plastic + Diecast / Alloy Shipment From China Note Six changer      
GC G-Creation GCreation GDW-03M Fuuma (Sixshot) IDW Limited Version 30mm / 11.5“
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Features:  *Note:This is the Metallic version with limited qty.  The powerful Fuuma designed by G-Creation (a new 3rd party Transformer toy studio)is a 30mm (11.5 Inches) tall ninja warrior as well as a mysterious existence in the dark side. It is a six changer which can be presented in 6 different modes (including robot mode). - Size compatible with Official MP series Models; - Diversified weapons - Diecast part & blade - High articulation.    Status:  2021-5 In stock.   Parameters: Producer G-Creation ( GC ) Size Robot Form Approx. 30cm (12 Inches) Tall, MP size Material ABS Plastic + Diecast / Alloy Shipment From China Note Six changer      
DX9 Toys D10G Hanzo (Sixshot) (G1 Retro Color, Green Chest) 27 cm / 10.5cm
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Features: This D10G Hanzo, by DX9 Toys (famous 3rd party transformer toy studio) in homage to the offical G1 Sixshot, is an original and unique design and of G1 Retro color. Hanzo is a mighty ninja which transforms into 5 different disguise modes.  This figure contains diversified weapons and accessories besides the main toy figure.  Whole set includes: 1 × Main figure2 × Laser rifles2 × Katanas2 × Kunais   Parameters:  Producer DX9 Toys Size Robot Form Approx. 27cm (10.5Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note A rare Beast version of Rodimus Prime
FansToys FT-28 FT28 Hydra (Sixshot, MP size) 24cm
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Features: In homage to G1 Sixshot, this FT-28 Hydra , another master piece by Fanstoys (FT) (one of the best 3rd party transformer studio), inherits the consistent high quality of FansToys.  As a six changer, Hydra can change from Robot into a wolf, a spaceship, a laser gun, a tank, and an artillery, it also contains alloy / diecast parts in its body.  The whole set includes: - 1× Hydra main figure- 1× Changeable Chest armor- 2× Laser guns- 2× Katanas (can be combined on the handles) *Some accessories and toys are only used for reference and presentation in the photos, not included in the product set. Parameters: Producer Fanstoys (FT) Size Robot Form Approx. 27cm (11 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP Size Sixshot, perfect homage to G1    
MFT MechFansToys MF-27D MF27D Six Ninja (Sixshot) 14cm
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Features:  MF-27D Six Ninja (Sixshot) is Reissue version of MF-27. A  Tiny and delicate worrior, the smallest sixshot ever, typical design with homage to the G1 sixshot. You would be surprised by its different modes and movability.    Status: 2020-10 Reissue batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Mecha Fans Toys (MFT) Size Robot Form Approx. 14cm (5.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Six Changer, Original Design. 


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