PX / Planet X

Planet X PX-07 PX07 Triton 20cm / 8"
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Features: This PX-07 Triton is another desirable toy brought by Planet-X (A special 3rd party transformers toys studio.), transform into armored plesiosaur, inspired by the image in the game of FOC.  Whole set Includes:- 1 x Toy figure- 2 × Hand cannons- 2 × Fire Blade- 1 x Armored Tail Whip   Status:  2019-8 In stock    Parameters:  Producer Planet X (PX) Size Robot Form Approx. 20cm ( 8 Inches)  Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Follows the image in the game FOC (Fall of Cybertron)
Planet X PX-C02 PXC02 Kadmos (IDW Star Saber) 24cm / 9.5"
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Features: This PX-C02 Kadmos (in homage to the classic image of Star Saber in IDW comics ) is another desirable toy brought by Planet-X (A special 3rd party transformers toys studio.), transform into armored space vehicle. Robot mode is equipped with a giant sword.    Status:  2019-9 In stock   Parameters:  Producer Planet X (PX) Size Robot Form Approx. 24cm ( 9.5 Inches)  Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Follows the image in IDW Comic
Planet X PX-14 PX14 Apollo (Ultra Magnus) 16cm
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Features: This PX-14 Apollo (Ultra Magnus) is another desirable toy brought by Planet-X (A special 3rd party transformers toys studio.), transform into armored cybertronian truck, inspired by the image of Ultra Magnus in FOC comic.  Blue armors of the robot can be detached and transform into a special hall of armor.  Whole set Includes: - 1 x Toy figure - 1 x Blaster rifle - 1 x War hammer Parameters:  Producer Planet X (PX) Size Robot Form Approx. 15cm (5.9 Inches) Tall each Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Follows the image in the game FOC (Fall of Cybertron)


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