115 Workshop YYW-43 YYW43 Upgrade Kit for BWVS02 Scorponok Upgrade Kit
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Features: Upgrade parts for the BWVS02 Scorponok by 115 Workshop.The whole set includes: - 1 x Replacement for the tail.  - 1 x Gap filler for the tail. - 1 x Waist Extesion part - 2 x Leg Extensions parts - 2 x Gap fillers for the inner thighs - 4 x Gap fillers for the back of the shins. * Note, this set is 3D printed and painted manually. So there might be a color difference between the real products and the product photo. If the customer is not satisfied, pls kindly do the painting and polishing again by yourself.    Status: 2024-1 In stock.  Installation Video as below by Tef Tef (from 5:26 - 9:41), Comparing to YYW-15 the missles are removed from the set:    Parameters:  Producer 115 Workshop Size Fit to BWVS02 Scorponok Material 3D printed SLA plastic Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
115 Workshop YYW-31 YYW31 Upgrade kit for WFC Legacy BUZZWORTHY BUMBLEBEE RANSACK Upgrade Kit
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Features: Weapon set & Gap filler for the WFC Legacy Buzzworthy Bumblebee Ransack by 115 Workshop.The whole set includes: - 2 x gap fillers for the arms - 2 x gap fillers for the legs - 1 x shield (can be carried on the back of the insect mode) - 1 x Laser gun (can be combined with the shield and installed on the back of the insect mode) * Note, this set is 3D printed and painted manually. So there might be a color difference between the real products and the product photo. If the customer is not satisfied, pls kindly do the painting and polishing again by yourself.    Status: 2022-7 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer 115 Workshop Size Fit to WFC Legacy Deluxe Buzzsaw Material 3D printed SLA plastic Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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115 Workshop YYW-25 YYW25 Upgrade kit for WFC Legacy Deluxe Buzzsaw Upgrade Kit
$10.99 $13.99

Features: Weapon set & Gap filler for the WFC Legacy Deluxe Class Buzzsaw: by 115 Workshop.The whole set includes: - 2 x gap filler for the legs - 2 x upgrade part for the weapon. The arm blade can be carried on the wing of the disguise mode, and combined with the fire effect parts from the official line and may be able to form a giant blade with the incoming sets from 115 Workshop * Note, this set is 3D printed and painted manually. So there might be a color difference between the real products and the product photo. If the customer is not satisfied, pls kindly do the painting and polishing again by yourself.    Status: 2022-7 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer 115 Workshop Size Fit to WFC Legacy Deluxe Buzzsaw Material 3D printed SLA plastic Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
115 Workshop YYW-26 YYW26 Weapon Set & Upgrade Kit for WFC Legacy Deluxe Predacon Sandstorm Upgrade Kit
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Features: *Note: This is the link for Legacy Sandstorm version. You can also find the YYW15 Scorponok version here.  Upgrade parts for the WFC Legacy Deluxe Class Sandstorm by 115 Workshop.The whole set includes: - 1 x Replacement for the tail.  - 1 x Gap filler for the tail.  - 1 x Gap filler for the hip. - 1 x Leg Extension part for the hip - 1 x Gap filler for the shin - 1 x Waist Extesion part - 4 x Missiles  * Note, this set is 3D printed and painted manually. So there might be a color difference between the real products and the product photo. If the customer is not satisfied, pls kindly do the painting and polishing again by yourself.    Status: 2022-7 Newa batch In stock.   Parameters:  Producer 115 Workshop Size Fit to Legacy Sandstorm Material 3D printed SLA plastic Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit ...
115 Workshop YYW-19 YYW19 Upgrade kit for WFC Kingdom Deluxe Waspinator Upgrade Kit
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Features: Weapon set & Gap filler for the WFC Kingdom Deluxe Class Waspinator by 115 Workshop.The whole set includes: - 2 x gap filler for the legs - 2 x upgrade part for the weapon. The arm blade can be carried on the wing of the disguise mode, and combined with the fire effect parts from the official line and may be able to form a giant blade with the incoming sets from 115 Workshop * Note, this set is 3D printed and painted manually. So there might be a color difference between the real products and the product photo. If the customer is not satisfied, pls kindly do the painting and polishing again by yourself.    Status: 2022-1 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer 115 Workshop Size Fit to WFC Kingdom Deluxe Waspinator Material 3D printed SLA plastic Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
115 Workshop YYW-16 YYW16 Weapon set for Generations Voyager Shattered Glass Starscream Upgrade Kit
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Features: Weapon set of Galaxy Force style for the WFC Generations Voyager Shattered Glass Starscream by 115 Workshop.The whole set includes: - 2 x Shoulder cannons - 2 x Arm armors - 2 x Transparent arm blades - 2 x Transparent arm laser guns The arm blade can be carried on the wing of the disguise mode, and combined with the fire effect parts from the official line from 115 Workshop * Note, this set is 3D printed and painted manually. So there might be a color difference between the real products and the product photo. If the customer is not satisfied, pls kindly do the painting and polishing again by yourself.    Status: 2021-11 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer 115 Workshop Size Fit to Shattered Glass Starscream Material 3D printed SLA plastic Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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115 Workshop YYW-18 YYW18 Weapon set (Arm blades) for WFC Kingdom Deluxe Battle Across Maximal Skywarp Upgrade Kit
$9.99 $14.99

Features: Weapon set for the WFC Kingdom Deluxe Class Maximal Skywarp by 115 Workshop.The whole set includes: - 2 x Arm blades The arm blade can be carried on the wing of the disguise mode, and combined with the fire effect parts from the official line and may be able to form a giant blade with the incoming sets from 115 Workshop * Note, this set is 3D printed and painted manually. So there might be a color difference between the real products and the product photo. If the customer is not satisfied, pls kindly do the painting and polishing again by yourself.    Status: 2021-11 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer 115 Workshop Size Fit to WFC Kingdom Maximal Skywarp Material 3D printed SLA plastic Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
115 Workshop YYW-15 YYW15 Weapon Set & Upgrade Kit for WFC Kingdom Deluxe Predacon Scorponok Upgrade Kit
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Features: Upgrade parts for the WFC Kingdom Deluxe Class Scorponok  by 115 Workshop.The whole set includes: - 1 x Replacement for the tail.  - 1 x Gap filler for the tail.  - 1 x Gap filler for the hip. - 1 x Leg Extension part for the hip - 1 x Gap filler for the shin - 1 x Waist Extesion part - 4 x Missiles  * Note, this set is 3D printed and painted manually. So there might be a color difference between the real products and the product photo. If the customer is not satisfied, pls kindly do the painting and polishing again by yourself.    Status: 2022-5 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer 115 Workshop Size Fit to BB Series Fangry Material 3D printed SLA plastic Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 


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