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【Pre-Order】Iron Romance Workshop IRS-060 Bloody Asura

Features:  Brought by the Iron Romance Workshop, this figure is in homage to the image of Asura in Hindu mythology. It transforms into an evil mechenical crab. \   Status: Release date unknown yet. Possibly in Q2-Q3, 2023.   Parameters: Producer Iron Romance Size Unknown  Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note N/A  
Transform Element TE MM003 TE-MM003 Scorpion (Scorponok, Legend Class) 11cm / 4.3"
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Features:  This TE MM003 Scorpion is another legends scale figure in the BW line brought by Transform Element . The beast-like robot transforms into a mechanic Scorpion in homage to Scorponok in the Transformers BW line.    Status: 2020-11 New batch in stock.    Parameters: Producer Transform Element Size Robot Form Approx. 11cm (4.3 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Legends Size  
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【Make-to-Order】Go Better Studio GX-11 New Rotatable Neck for WFC Earthrise Scorponok Upgrade Kit

Features: This set is designed to replace the original necks of the figure which had issues in rotation.   The size has been re-adjusted for perfect and smooth rotation once it is installed.  Not every one need it, so we make it make-to-order products.  The size has been re-adjusted for perfect and smooth rotation once it is installed.  Not every one need it, so we make it make-to-order products.  Pls follow the steps shown on the product photos to change the neck.  1. Remove the 4 screws on the back (in the red squares on the photo) 2. Remove the two parts (together with the 8 legs on it) on the back  3. Remove the 4 screws in the red squares on the photo after the two parts are removed.  4. separate the chest and back of the figure.  5. Take out the original neck part 6. Remove the 2 screws on...


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