Devil Saviour (BombusBee) DS-05 Landslip of Trouble Maker ( Scrapper of ROTF Devastator Constructicons) 18cm / 7"
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Features: This DS-05 Landslip is the last set of the combiner Trouble Maker by Devil Saviour (Formerly known as Bombusbee) in homage to the image of the classic combiner Devastator in the Transformers ROTF movie. It transform into a Shovel and one leg of the trouble maker.    Status: 2022-5 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Devil Saviour (BombusBee) Size Robot mode around 18cm / 7" Material ABS Plastic ( Other materials unknown) Shipment From China Note Collectible grade ROTF Devastator
Devil Saviour (BombusBee) DS-06 Sweeping of Trouble Maker (Rampage of ROTF Devastator Constructicons) 19cm / 7.5"
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Features: This DS-05 Sweeping is the last set of the combiner Trouble Maker by Devil Saviour (Formerly known as Bombusbee) in homage to the image of the classic combiner Devastator in the Transformers ROTF movie. It transform into a bulldozer and one leg of the trouble maker.  The set is of metallic painting and more enhanced details comparing to the Bayverse devastator in the official line.     Status:  2021-10 New batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Devil Saviour (BombusBee) Size Robot mode around 19cm / 7.5" Material ABS Plastic ( Other materials unknown) Shipment From China Note Collectible grade ROTF Devastator
Devil Saviour (BombusBee) DS-07 / DS-08 Paranoider / Bomber (Hightower and Bulldozer of ROTF Devastator Constructicons) 18cm / 7" 2 in 1 set
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Features: This DS-07 / DS-07B  Paranoider / Bomber 2 in 1 set is the 5th release of the combiner Trouble Maker by Devil Saviour (Formerly known as Bombusbee) in homage to the image of the classic combiner Devastator in the Transformers ROTF movie. The two transform into a crane and a bulldozer and can be combined as the left arm of the trouble maker.     Status: 2021-7 In stock.    Parameters: Producer Devil Saviour (BombusBee) Size Robot mode around 18cm / 7" Material ABS Plastic ( Other materials unknown) Shipment From China Note Collectible grade ROTF Devastator
Devil Saviour (BombusBee) DS-03 Compresor (Overload of ROTF Devastator Constructicons) 18cm / 7"
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Features: This DS-03 Compresor is the 3rd set of the combiner Trouble Maker by Devil Saviour (Formerly known as Bombusbee) in homage to the image of the classic combiner Devastator in the Transformers ROTF movie. It transform into a dump truck and the lower body part of the trouble maker.  Other details unknown yet. The whole set of Devastator might be released by the end of 2020 according to Devil Saviour.    Status: Reissue batch to be released in Q4. Full price at USD124.99, pre-order customer get special price.    Parameters: Producer Devil Saviour (BombusBee) Size Robot mode around 18cm / 7" Material ABS Plastic ( Other materials unknown) Shipment From China Note Collectible grade ROTF Devastator
Devil Saviour (BombusBee) DS-04 Smash of Trouble Maker (Long Haul of ROTF Devastator Constructicons) 18cm / 7"
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Full Price $99.99

Features: This DS-04 Smash is the 4th set of the combiner Trouble Maker by Devil Saviour (Formerly known as Bombusbee) in homage to the image of the classic combiner Devastator in the Transformers ROTF movie. It transform into a dump truck and one leg of the trouble maker.  The set is of metallic painting and more enhanced details comparing to the Bayverse devastator in the official line.     Status:  2021-9 Reissue batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Devil Saviour (BombusBee) Size Robot mode around 18cm / 7" Material ABS Plastic ( Other materials unknown) Shipment From China Note Collectible grade ROTF Devastator
Devil Saviour (BombusBee) DS-02 Giant Axe (Scavanger of ROTF Devastator Constructicons) 18cm / 7"
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Features: This DS-02 Giant Axe is the first set of the combiner Trouble Maker by Devil Saviour (Formerly known as Bombusbee) in homage to the image of the classic combiner Devastator in the Transformers ROTF movie. It transform into a red escavator and the upper body part of the trouble maker.  Other details unknown yet. The whole set of Devastator might be released by the end of 2020 according to Devil Saviour.    Status:   2020-12 In stock.    Parameters: Producer Devil Saviour (BombusBee) Size Robot mode around 17cm / 8" Material ABS Plastic ( Other materials unknown) Shipment From China Note Collectible grade ROTF Devastator


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