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4th Party AC-03B AC03B Tauren (TFP Cliffjumper) Purple Transparent Version

Features: *Note: This is the purple transparent version 4th party AC03 Tauren is made in homage to TFP Cliffjumper. Current batch comes with special bonus  - 1 x Standing base with purple crystal   Status: 2023-3 In stock.     Parameters:  Producer 4th Party Size N/A Material Plastic Shipment From China Note 1:1 TFP Cliffjumper
4th Party AC-03 AC03 Tauren (TFP Cliffjumper)
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Features: 4th party AC03 Tauren is made in homage to TFP Cliffjumper. Current batch comes with special bonus  - 1 x Standing base with purple crystal   Status: 2023-3 In stock.     Parameters:  Producer 4th Party Size N/A Material Plastic Shipment From China Note 1:1 TFP Cliffjumper
4th Party AC-01R AC01R Hothead (TFP Bulkhead) with New Accessories Japanese Version
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Features: This is a new version with painting in homage to the Japanese version. 4th party AC01 Hothead is made in homage to TFP Bulkhead with extra accessories added.   Status: 2022-11 In stock. Quick review by 塞伯坦守望者 on Weibo (this video is for AC01 original version):   Parameters:  Producer 4th Party Size N/A Material Plastic Shipment From China Note 1:1 TFP Bulkhead
4th Party AC-01 AC01 Hothead (Bulkhead) with New Accessories
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Features: 4th party AC01 Hothead is made in homage to TFP Bulkhead with extra accessories added.   Status: 2022-9 In stock. Quick review by 塞伯坦守望者 on Weibo:   Parameters:  Producer 4th Party Size N/A Material Plastic Shipment From China Note 1:1 TFP Bulkhead
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【Loose Pack】4th Party TFP Commander Class NOT Optimus Prime / Megatron / Ultra Magnus / Bulkhead / Ironhide 10cm / 4"
$19.99 $24.99

 Features: 1. These should be 1:1 KO products and would be shipped  WITHOUT the origional box. 2. Comparing to the original version there might be some minor defects as below: (1) Some joints might be loose and you need to strengthen them by yourself.  (2) The coating on some parts are a little bit overflowed.    Status: 2022-3 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer 4th Party Size 10cm / 4" Material Plastic Shipment From China Note 1:1 KO


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