Jujiang JJ-01 JJ01 Leader (Oversized Takara Tommy Classic C-01 Optimus Prime) Ju Jiang 24.5cm / 10"
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Features: This JJ01 Leader is an oversized version of Official Classic 3.0 C-01 Optimus Prime by Jujiang (A new 4th / 3rd party transformer producer). This set includes decent plastic and die cast parts, as a perfect duplicate of C-01 Optimus Prime with its quality proved by the market.  *Note: According tot he factory no spare parts can be offered for this discounted product.    Status: 2021-4 Factory is cleaning the stock with discounted price.      Parameters: Producer Jujiang Size Robot Form Approx. 24.5cm (10 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Oversized version of Classic 3.0 C-01 Optimus Prime    
Jujiang JJ-02 Jet Commander Combiner 5 in 1 set (Concorde, Harrier, Phantom, Eagle & Falcon) Ju Jiang 45cm / 18"
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Features: This JJ02 Jet Commander is an oversized version of Official IDW Superion (Combiner War) by Jujiang (A new 4th / 3rd party transformer producer). The whole set includes: 1 × JJ-02A Jet Concorde 1 × JJ0-2B Jet Harrier 1 × JJ-02C Jet Phantom 1 × JJ-02D Jet Eagle 1 × JJ-02E Jet Falcon 5 × Blasters Pros: - Improved articulation for both the individual members and combiner - the OS size of the combiner fits better to the MP series.  - Quite good plastic used, a lot of ratchet joints are applied.  - Low price comparing to other OS Superion (ZETA and etc. ) Cons: - Weapons can't be loaded in Jet modes for all the 5 members - Painting is not unified (Pure white vs milky white for different members) - Too simple details (especially on the head sculptures.)   Parameters: Producer Jujiang Size Combiner Mode Approx. 45cm (18 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note OS version of...


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${{amount}}' jsondata = "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" >