Gear Factory (Aka APC Toys) GF01 GF-01 (APC010) Wander Warrior ( TFP Wheeljack)
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Features: Brought by Gear Factory(A new 4th / 3rd party studio, avatar of APC Toys ), this Wander Warrior transforms into a white race car.  Comparing to the original TFP version, the figure is with improvements as below:  - Gaps on the original figures have been filled (legs & shins). - Comes with more accessories: See product photo for details.     Status: 2023-12 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Gear Factory (APC Toys) Size Height unknown. Material Plastic Shipment From China Note 1:1 TFP Wheeljack (Deluxe Class)
Bingo Toys BingoToys BT04 BT-04 Spider Girl (Blackarachnid) 20cm / 8"
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Features: This BT-04 Spider Girl is the 3rd figure brought by Bingo Toys (A new 3rd party transformers toys studio), in homage to Blackarachnid in the beast war line.  This figure would be highly-articulated, and transforms into a mechanic spider, see product photos for details.    Status:  2023-11 In stock.  Review Video by Emgo:    Quick Transformation Video:    Parameters:  Producer BINGO TOYS Size Robot Mode 20cm / 8" Material ABS Plastic  / Diecast parts Shipment From China Note IDW Windblade
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APC Toys APC-009Z APC009Z Red Gladiator (TFP Cliffjumper) Zombie Version
$34.99 $42.99

Features: *Note: This is the Zombie version with special painting.  Brought by APC Toys (A new 4th / 3rd party studio), this Red Gladiator transforms into an muscle race car. Current batch includes special bonus as below (for Zombie version only):    Status: 2023-6 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer APC Toys Size 20cm / 8" Material Plastic Shipment From China Note 1:1 TFP Megatron (Voyage Class)
APC Toys APC-008 APC008 Night Countess ( TFP Prime Airachnid Blackarachnia )
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Features:   Brought by APC Toys (A new 4th / 3rd party studio), this Dark Master is made after the model of official line of TFP , with new painting and more weapons, as well as some modification on the original models. On the photo it is like a triple changer (Robot / Helicopter / Spider)   Status: 2022-8 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer APC Toys Size 20cm / 8" Material Plastic Shipment From China Note 1:1 TFP Megatron (Voyage Class)


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