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NA NewAge H-46B H46B Arsonist Wildfire (Inferno Shattered Glass Version) New Age 9.8 cm / 3.85“
$53.99 $63.99

Features:  This Newage H46B Arsonist Widfire ( Inspired by G1 Shattered Glass Version Inferno) by NewAge is of legends scale and transforms into a dark green fire engine Whole set includes: 1 × Main figure2 x Changeable hands1 x Weapon 1 x Hose1 x Fire effect part This figure features:  - Full body baked painted- High articulation- Several Die-cast parts added - Transparent cabin window- Rotatable scaling ladder (can be hidden in the body under the robot mode) Status:  2023-3 In stock.   Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size 9.8cm / 3.85" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy     
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NA NewAge H-47G H47G Daedalus (Grapple, Road Hauler) Green Version New Age 9.8 cm / 3.85“
$51.99 $63.99

Features:  This Newage H47G Daedalus with a new colorscheme( Inspired by G1 Grapple / Road Hauler) by NewAge is of legends scale and transforms into a green fire engine Whole set includes: 1 × Main figure2 x Changeable hands1 x Weapon 1 x Hose This figure features:  - Full body baked painted- High articulation- Several Die-cast parts added - Transparent cabin window Status:  2023-3 In stock.   Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size 9.8cm / 3.85" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy     
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NA NewAge H-46W H46W Backdraft (Artfire, Inferno) New Age 9.8 cm / 3.85“
$51.99 $63.99

Features:  This Newage H46W Backdraft with a new colorscheme( Inspired by G1 Artfire / Inferno) by NewAge is of legends scale and transforms into a red / white fire engine Whole set includes: 1 × Main figure2 x Changeable hands1 x Weapon (can be transformed into a target master)1 x Hose This figure features:  - Full body baked painted- High articulation- Several Die-cast parts added - Transparent cabin window- Rotatable scaling ladder (can be hidden in the body under the robot mode) Status:  2023-3 In stock.   Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size 18cm / 7.1" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy     
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NA NewAge H-47 H47 Daedalus (Grapple) New Age 9.8 cm / 3.85“
$52.99 $59.99

Features:  This Newage H47 Daedalus ( Inspired by G1 Grapple) by NewAge is of legends scale and transforms into a red fire engine Whole set includes: 1 × Main figure2 x Changeable hands1 x Weapon1 x Nozzle This figure features:  - Full body baked painted- High articulation- Several Die-cast parts added - Transparent cabin window Status:  2022-11 In stock.   Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size 9.8cm / 3.85" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy     
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NA NewAge H-46 H46 Backdraft (Inferno) New Age 9.8 cm / 3.85“
$52.99 $63.99

Features:  This Newage H46 Backdraft ( Inspired by G1 Inferno) by NewAge is of legends scale and transforms into a red fire engine Whole set includes: 1 × Main figure2 x Changeable hands1 x Weapon1 x Hose1 x Water effect part This figure features:  - Full body baked painted- High articulation- Several Die-cast parts added - Transparent cabin window- Rotatable scaling ladder (can be hidden in the body under the robot mode) Status:  2022-11 In stock.   Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size 18cm / 7.1" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy     
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NA NewAge H-48G H48G Pocahontas (Lifeline) Arcee Repaint New Age
$54.99 $61.99

Features:  This Newage H48G Pocahontas( Inspired by G1 Lifeline) by NewAge is of legends scale and transforms into a green Cybertronian race car. It is a repainted version of H48  Whole set includes: 1 × Main figure2 x Pistols1 x Detector This figure features:  - Full body baked painted- Transparent car window- Magnet added to the feet for stablization. Status:  2022-10 In stock.   Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size Unknown yet Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy     
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NA NewAge H-45 H45 Firefox (Jetfire / Skyfire) New Age 18cm / 7.1“
$94.99 $119.99

Features:  This Newage H45 Firefox ( Inspired by G1 Jetfire / Skyfire) by NewAge is of legends scale and transforms into a white giant Cybertronian aerotransport. Whole set includes: 1 × Main figure1 x Laser gun This figure features:  - Full body baked painted- High articulation- Several Die-cast parts added - Transparent cabin window- Flippable gear added to the chest Status:  2022-9 New batch in stock.    Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size 18cm / 7.1" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy     
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APC Toys APC-005P APC005P Angel Engine ( 1:1 TFP Arcee Deluxe Class ) Momo Ver. Pink Version 15cm / 6"
$24.99 $34.99

Features: *Note: This is the repainted pink version (Momo Ver.) of APC005 Angel Engine (TFP Arcee) Brought by APC Toys (A new 4th / 3rd party studio), this APC005 Angel Engine is designed following the model of official TFP Arcee, it is with new painting and more weapons, as well as some modification on the original models as below: - Handguards added to the figure (closer to the ) - Now the grips can be hidden under robot mode.  - Headsculpt is re-designed.  - All Dr.Wu upgrade kits included in this set - Metallic painting.   Status: 2022-8 A few sets in stock on sale.   Parameters:  Producer APC Toys Size 20cm / 8" Material Plastic Shipment From China Note 1:1 TFP Megatron (Voyage Class)


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