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ZX Studio ZX-01B Upgrade & Weapon Kits for WFC Earthrise Optimus Prime Upgrade Kit
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  Features: Here comes the B set upgrade kit for Earthrise Optimus Prime by ZXB.  As we promised, we continue to introduce to you more interesting 3D-printed upgrade set from local designers in China.   Whole set includes: 1 × convoy anchor for the roller from ZXB-01A set 1 x rotatable energon axe  2 x fenders for the rear tyres 2 x stands for the convoy (In accordance with the classic image in G1 animations) 1 x radar (can be installed on the ZXB-01A roller)   Note: 1. The main toy figure ( Optimus Prime) is not included in the weapon set.  2. All painting is done manually, minor defects can not be avoided, pls understand.    Status: 2020-10 A few sets in stock.   Parameters:  Producer ZXB Size Fit to WFC Earthrise OP Material PLA Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
ZX Studio ZX-01A Roller for WFC Earthrise Optimus Prime Upgrade Kit
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  Features: Here comes the 1st upgrade kit for Earthrise series by ZXB. A roller for the Optimus Prime. As we promised, we continue to introduce to you more interesting 3D-printed upgrade set from local designers in China.   Whole set includes: 1 × Roller 2 x Laser gun barrels as special bonus (can be installed on the convoy) The roller features as below: - equipped with 3 standard sockets on its back offering diversified possibilities to interact with the figure and other weapons.  - capable of towing the convoy - capable of interact with the fire & light effect parts in the Siege series.  Note: 1. On the photo the product is in grey, while the final version would be painted with silver. 2. The main toy figure ( Optimus Prime) is not included in the weapon set.  3. All painting is done manually, minor defects can not be avoided, pls understand.   ...


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