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【No Original Box】NBK Devastator Yellow TF Engineering Full Set 6 in 1 (GT-01 Devastator) 38cm
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Features: NBK Devastator TF Engineering Full Set 6 in 1 is a KO version of GT-01 Devastator, quality is decent, while some of the transformation process has been simplified comparing to the original version of Generation Toys to reduce the cost. This is yellow version, while we also have G1 Classic version (Green) However, still it's a good choice to play with and an low-cost choice to your show case due to its almost 1/10 low price of the original version from the 3rd party transformers studio GT.  Whole set Includes: NBK-01 Scraper NBK-02 Excavator NBK-03 Bulldozer  NBK-04 Mixer truck NBK-05 Dump truck NBK-06 Crane  * This product might be sent without original box to guarantee the most economic and fast way of delivery.  Parameters:  Producer NBK Size Combiner Form Approx. 38cm (15 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note 6 in 1 Combiner
【No Original Box】NBK Devastator Green TF Engineering Full Set 6 in 1 (GT-01 Devastator) 38cm
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Features: NBK Devastator TF Engineering Full Set 6 in 1 is a KO version of GT-01 Devastator, quality is decent, while some of the transformation process has been simplified comparing to the original version of Generation Toys to reduce the cost. This G1 Classic version (Green), while we also have yellow version.  However, still it's a good choice to play with and an low-cost choice to your show case due to its almost 1/10 low price of the original version from the 3rd party transformers studio GT.  Whole set Includes: NBK-01 Scraper NBK-02 Excavator NBK-03 Bulldozer  NBK-04 Mixer truck NBK-05 Dump truck NBK-06 Crane  * This product might be sent without original box to guarantee the most economic and fast way of delivery.  Parameters:  Producer NBK Size Combiner Form Approx. 38cm (15 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note 6 in 1 Combiner


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