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【Pre-Order】Magnificent Mecha MM01P MM-01P Optimus Prime OP Bumblebee Movie SG Shattered Glass Version 30cm / 12"

Pre-Order Price $239.99

Features: *Note: This is the purple version (Optimus Prime Shattered Glass) This MM01P Optimus Prime Shattered Glass is made by Magnificent Mecha (A new 3rd party transformers toys studio) in homage to Optimus Prime in the Bumblebee movie in 2018. This is a transformable statue-grade toy figure with unprecedented design.  This figure features:  - Super-highly articulated - Rubber Tyres - Alloy figure frame - Worn painting - LED Eyes (2 x LR44 Button batteries) - Transformable (with all parts built-in) - With a standing base    Status: To be released in Q1, 2024. Pre-order customer get special price at USD239.99 free shipment. Review by That Toy Guy:    Parameters:  Producer MAGNIFICENT MECHA Size Robot mode stands 30cm / 12" Material ABS Plastic  + Alloy parts Shipment From China Note 3A-like OP, transformable.
  • WishList
【Pre-Order】Magnificent Mecha MM01B MM-01B Nemesis Prime OP Bumblebee Movie 30cm / 12"

Pre-Order Price $239.99

Features: *Note: This is the black version (Nemesis Prime) This MM01B Nemesis Prime is made by Magnificent Mecha (A new 3rd party transformers toys studio) in homage to Optimus Prime in the Bumblebee movie in 2018. This is a transformable statue-grade toy figure with unprecedented design.  This figure features:  - Super-highly articulated - Rubber Tyres - Alloy figure frame - Worn painting - LED Eyes (2 x LR44 Button batteries) - Transformable (with all parts built-in) - With a standing base    Status: Pre-Order for next batch. Pre-order customer get special price at USD239.99 free shipment. Review by That Toy Guy:    Parameters:  Producer MAGNIFICENT MECHA Size Robot mode stands 30cm / 12" Material ABS Plastic  + Alloy parts Shipment From China Note 3A-like OP


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