New Arrivals & Reissues

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APC Toys APC-001 APC001 2.0 Version Attack Prime ( 1:1 TFP Optimus Prime Voyage Class ) Repainted Version 17cm / 6.7"
$36.99 $39.99

Features:  *Note: Reissue version following the Japanese version of original TFP OP with metallic finishing.  Brought by APC Toys (A new 4th / 3rd party studio), this Attack Prime is made after the model of official TFP Optimus Prime, with new painting and more weapons.   Status: 2024-10 New batch in stock.   Parameters:  Producer APC Toys Size N/A Material Plastic Shipment From China Note 1:1 TFP Optimus Prime (Voyage Class)
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4th Party No Brand MF004 MF-004 Transformer KO Threezero TLK The Last Knight DLX Optimus Prime 28.5cm / 11"

Features: *Note:  1.This is a non-transformable figure. 2. Batteries has been removed for convenience in shipment. Batteries Type:2 x LR626 for the head This is an 1:1 KO version of DLX TLK Optimus Prime with below features: - Increased lower body height;  - The shin parts have been optimized with enhanced details;  - Weathered painting look; - Highly-articulated hands.   Status:  2024-10 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer 4th Party / No brand Size Robot Form Approx. 28.5cm (11 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Die cast parts Shipment From China Note N/A  
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4th Party No Brand MD-001 MD001 Transformer KO Threezero Bumblebee Movie DLX Optimus Prime 28.5cm / 11"

Features: *Note: This is a non-transformable figure. This is an 1:1 KO version of DLX Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime with below features - Duplicated version with 100% details; - Weapons / Globe kit are added;  - Light effects are added; - More parts added to realize the Cybertron mode; - Highly-articulated hands.   Status:  2024-9 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer 4th Party / No brand Size Robot Form Approx. 28.5cm (11 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Die cast parts Shipment From China Note N/A  
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Jiguangmao Light Cat JGM-Q01 JGMQ01 Steel Head Commander (ROTM Optimus Prime) 15cm / 5.9"
$54.99 $59.99

Features:  Note: Battery type: 2 x CR927 This JGM-Q01 Steel Head Commander in homage to the image of  Optimus Prime in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts movie, is a tranformable cute robot rigure with high articulation.  This set features:  1 x main figure (with LED eye lights, die-cast parts); 1 x Ion blaster; 1 x Energon axe; 1 x Arm blaster (with LED light)   Status: 2024-8 In stock.    Parameters: Producer JIGUANGMAO (Light Cat) Size Robot Form Approx. 15cm Tall Material ABS Plastic + Nylon Shipment From China Note New cute series
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Lucky Cat Extreme Trans ET02B ET-02B Bader (Bayverse Bumblebee Movie Nemesis Prime) Black Version 10cm / 4"

Features:  *Note: This is the link for the Nemesis (black) Version. The ET02B  is made by a brand new 3rd party studio Lucky Cat. It is a legend class combiner in homage to Bumblebee in the Transformers Bumblebee movie. Though with an extremely small size, it can tranform into a truck.   Status:  2024-7 In stock.    Parameters: Producer Lucky Cat Size Robot form 10cm / 4" tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note Legend class OP (Bumblebee Movie)    
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4th Party BMB DP01 DP-01 DOTM Megatron (Oversized KO UT R05 Desperado) 35cm / 13.8"

Features:  This is an oversized KO version of UT R05 Desperado with some modification and improvements. It is probably done by BMB Black Mamda with features as below:  - Enlarged to 35 cm (original version 32 cm) to fit better to DLX scale.  - An improved head sculpt that better fits the body proportion is added. Both head sculpts include lights and more detailed pupils. - Added details to the chest and other areas. - Weight is reduced to 1280 grams. Some alloy counterweights in the original version are removed for better handling. - Important joints are all with alloy, while all joints are tight gear joints. Nylon parts are used in areas prone to breakage, such as elbows, for better durability. - Several clasps are improved, with the walls thicken, making the transformation smoother and less prone to damage. - The paintings features a smoky effect with partial weathering,...
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Magnificent Mecha MM01B MM-01B Nemesis Prime OP Bumblebee Movie 30cm / 12"

Features: *Note: This is the black version (Nemesis Prime) This MM01B Nemesis Prime is made by Magnificent Mecha (A new 3rd party transformers toys studio) in homage to Optimus Prime in the Bumblebee movie in 2018. This is a transformable statue-grade toy figure with unprecedented design.  This figure features:  - Super-highly articulated - Rubber Tyres - Alloy figure frame - Worn painting - LED Eyes (2 x LR44 Button batteries) - Transformable (with all parts built-in) - With a standing base    Status: 2024-7 Reissue batch in stock.    Review by That Toy Guy:    Parameters:  Producer MAGNIFICENT MECHA Size Robot mode stands 30cm / 12" Material ABS Plastic  + Alloy parts Shipment From China Note 3A-like OP
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4th Party BMB BS-03 BS03 KO UT R02 R-02 Challenger (AOE / TLK Optimus Prime) 28cm / 11"
$92.99 $119.99

Features:  *Note:  (1) Current stock comes with the with new metal shoulder joints which is pre-installed or as replacement which is stronger and more durable.  (2) Batteries might be removed for convenience in the shipment.  Battery Type: 5 x LR41 (For LED Eyes & Blaster) This is the KO version of UT R02 Challenger with some modification and improvements. It is probably done by BMB. The size would be the same as the UT R02 Challenger (Optimus Prime) .   Status Update: 2024-6 Reissue batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer 4th Party, Black Mamba Size Robot Form Approx. 28cm (11 Inches) Tall Material ABS + Diecast / Alloy parts Shipment From China Note Bayverse TLK Optimus Prime  
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AlienAttack Toys AAT-02M AAT02M King of Kavaliers (TLK Bayverse Optimus Prime) Metallic Version 29cm / 11.4"

Features:  *Note: This product page includes 2 different buy options. Pls make sure you choose the right one you want. This AAT02 King of Kavaliers, in homage to Bayverse TLK Optimus Prime from the Bayverse Transformer movie is originally designed by AlienAttack Toys (a New 3rd party Studio). This figure features:  - Robot height 29cm, Vehicle length 25.6cm; - Highly articulated knee / elbow joints (> 120 degree bending) - Die-cast parts, Rubber tyres. - Openable doors of the cabin with driving wheels. - LED lights (eyes, front lights) ;   The whole set includes: 1 x Main figure; 1 x Ion blaster; 1 x Shield; 1 x Dagger; 1 x Staff.   Status: 2024-9 AAT-02M Metallic Version is in stock. Stop Motion Review of AAT-02 (The original Version ) by Ruby Production.     Parameters: Producer AlienAttack Toys Size Robot Form Approx. 29 cm (11.4 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Diecast Shipment From...


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