MFT / MechFansToys

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Mechfanstoys MFT MF52 MF-52 Pioneer (Trailbreaker) Mech Fans Toys 12 cm / 4.7"
$26.99 $34.99

Features:  This MF-52 Pioneer is the latest legends class figure made by MechFansToys, a famous 3rd party transformer studio focusing on pocket size toys), with excellent movability and details.  It comes with a lot of accessories and transforms into a black SUV, in homage to G1 Trailbreaker.    Status:  2022-5 New batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Magic Square (MS-Toys) Size Robot Form Approx. 12cm (4.7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Trailbreaker    
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Mechfanstoys MFT MF53 MF-53 Trailer (Hoist) Mech Fans Toys 10.5 cm / 4.1"
$26.99 $32.99

Features:  This MF-53 Trailer is the latest legends class figure made by MechFansToys, a famous 3rd party transformer studio focusing on pocket size toys), with excellent movability and details.  It comes with a lot of accessories and transforms into a pick-up truck, in homage to G1 Hoist.    Status:  2022-4 New batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Magic Square (MS-Toys) Size Robot Form Approx. 11cm (4.3 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legendary-sized Perceptor    
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Mechfanstoys MFT MF54 MF-54 Microscope (Perceptor) Mech Fans Toys 10.5 cm / 4.1"
$29.99 $34.99

Features:  This MF-54 Microscope is the latest legends class figure made by MechFansToys, a famous 3rd party transformer studio focusing on pocket size toys), with excellent movability and details.  It is a triple changer and transforms into a laser microscope / tank, in homage to G1 Perceptor.    Status:  2022-2 New batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Magic Square (MS-Toys) Size Robot Form Approx. 11cm (4.3 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legendary-sized Perceptor    
MFT MechFansToys Lost Planet Diaclone Reboot DA-07 DA07 Cosmos Battle Upgrade Kit for Dia-Battles Mech Fans Toys 7cm / 3"
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Features:  MechFansToys Lost Planet DA-07 is a 1:1 KO version of Diaclone Reboot DA-07 Dia-Battles brought by MechFansToys / MFT in its latest Lost Planet series. It is an upgrade kit for the below figure (which we also have stock):  MFT MECHFANSTOYS LOST PLANET DIACLONE DA-01 DA01 DIA-BATTLES   Status 2021-11 New batch In stock   Parameters: Producer Mecha Fans Toys (MFT) Size Upgrade kit fitting to DA01 Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note N/A
MFT MechFansToys Mechanic Toys Mech Soul MS-21 MS21 Flame Walker (Hot Rod) Mech Fans Toys 10cm / 4"
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Features:  This MS-21 Flame Walker (In homage to G1 Hot Rod in the 1986 Transformer Movies) would be another D-grade figure brought by MechFansToys / MFT in its latest Mech Soul series. It transforms into a cybertronian car.  The whole set includes: 1 x main figure 1 x Hand saw 1 x Rod 2 x Laser guns 1 x Changeable head sculpt   Status 2021-10 In stock.    Parameters: Producer Mecha Fans Toys (MFT) Size Robot Form height around 10cm / 4" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note In homage to G1 Wreck-Gar
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MFT MechFansToys Mechanic Toys Mech Soul MS-29 MS29 Falcon (Springer) Mech Fans Toys 10cm / 4"
$34.99 $44.99

Features:  This MS-29 Falcon (In homage to G1 Springer in the 1986 Transformer Movies) would be another D-grade figure brought by MechFansToys / MFT in its latest Mech Soul series. It transforms into either a helicopter or a cybertronian car.  The whole set includes: 1 x main figure 1 x Sword  1 x Laser gun 1 x Bomb   Status 2021-10 In stock.    Parameters: Producer Mecha Fans Toys (MFT) Size Robot Form height around 10cm / 4" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note In homage to G1 Wreck-Gar
MFT MechFansToys Lost Planet Diaclone Reboot DA-06 DA06 Dia-Battles V2 Cosmo Maneuver Type Mech Fans Toys 7cm / 3"
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Features:  MechFansToys Lost Planet DA-06 is a 1:1 KO version of Diaclone Reboot DA-06 Dia-Battles V2 Cosmo Maneuver Type brought by MechFansToys / MFT in its latest Lost Planet series. Its disguise modes include 3 different types (all base modes).     Status 2021-10 A few sets in stock.   Parameters: Producer Mecha Fans Toys (MFT) Size Robot Form Approx. 10cm (4 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note N/A
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MFT MechFansToys Mech Soul MS-24 MS24 Recyclers (Wreck-Gar) Mech Fans Toys 10cm / 4"
$34.99 $39.99

Features:  This MS-24 Recyclers (In homage to G1 Wreck-Gar in the 1986 Transformer Movies) would be another D-grade figure brought by MechFansToys / MFT in its latest Mech Soul series. It transforms into an motor-cyle, while other details are still unknown. Status 2021-10 In stock.    Parameters: Producer Mecha Fans Toys (MFT) Size Robot Form height around 10cm / 4" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note In homage to G1 Wreck-Gar
MFT MechFansToys Lost Planet Diaclone Reboot DA-01 DA01 Dia-Battles Mech Fans Toys 7cm / 3"
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Features:  MechFansToys Lost Planet DA-01 is a 1:1 KO version of Diaclone Reboot DA-01 Dia-Battles brought by MechFansToys / MFT in its latest Lost Planet series. Its disguise modes include 3 different types (all base modes).   Note*:Some accessories in the product pictures like the Power Suit (was an accessory of the previous batch but NOT with the current one)are for display only and not included in the product figure.   Status 2021-9 New batch In stock   Parameters: Producer Mecha Fans Toys (MFT) Size Robot Form Approx. 10cm (4 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note N/A


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