KBB / Kubianbao

Kubianbao KBB MP10V (Minified MP10 Optimus Prime)20cm
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Features:  KBB MP10V is an excellent minified version of MP10 Optimus with the perfect duplication (or upgrade) of movability, painting, and electroplating.   A more suitable size to play with by hand. (See below photo the comparison of size, From front to back, KBB MP10V, Official MP10, WJ MPP10 ) Adjusted body proportion (longer legs) makes the whole figure looks more slim and better-balanced.  Upgraded Alloy Parts includes: Matrix of Leadership, pistol, sword of Judgement, window frames, waist armor, all 6 hubs, 2 feet.    Status: 2022-12 New batch in stock.   Paramters: Producer KUBIANBAO ( KBB ) Size Robot Form Approx. 20cm (8 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy Shipment From China Note Minified Version of Official MP10 Optimus       
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Kubianbao KBB Trailer for MP10V (Minified MP10 Optimus Prime)

Features:  Trailer for KBB MP10V, see photos for details. *This trailer doesn't include the main figure of MP10V Optimus Prime, pls check the store to buy the main figure separately. Status: 2023-5 New batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer KUBIANBAO ( KBB ) Size Adapt to KBB MP10V Material ABS Plastic + Alloy Shipment From China Note Trailer for MP10V,the minified Version of Official MP10 Optimus       
Kubianbao KBB Dinobot Grimlock Building Set 12cm
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Features: Perfect demonstration of Classic G1 Grimlock with low price. No electroplating, no special painting due to low pricing, however the original color of the plastic still looks quite desirable and confortable.  Fantastic movability comparing to other pocket - size toy enables it to make as many different postures as you wish.  Have fun in building the powerful leader of dinobots by yourself ^^ See detailed review and more product photos here (KBB G1 Grimlock Gunpla Version 12cm)   Status: 2021-2 New batch in stock.     Parameters: Producer KUBIANBAO ( KBB ) Size Robot Form Approx. 12cm (4.75 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Building set, can transform into T-rex after finished.     
Kubianbao KBB MP-10V MP10V-W (Minified MP10 Optimus Prime)White Version 20cm /7.5"
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Features:  White Version KBB MP10V is an excellent minified version of MP10 Optimus with the perfect duplication (or upgrade) of movability, painting, and electroplating.   A more suitable size to play with by hand. (See below photo the comparison of size, From front to back, KBB MP10V, Official MP10, WJ MPP10 ) Adjusted body proportion (longer legs) makes the whole figure looks more slim and better-balanced.  Upgraded Alloy Parts includes: Matrix of Leadership, pistol, sword of Judgement, window frames, waist armor, all 6 hubs, 2 feet.  * This figure doesn't include the tailer, to buy the trailer pls click:Buy the MP10V Trailer here. Paramters: Producer KUBIANBAO ( KBB ) Size Robot Form Approx. 20cm (8 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy Shipment From China Note Minified Version of Official MP10 Optimus       
Kubianbao KBB 33013 Core Warrior (1:1 KO Perfect Combiner PC-17 PC17 Core Magnus) Ultra Magnus 15cm / 6“
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Features: This KBB 33013 Core Warrior  is a 1:1 KO version of Perfect Combiner PC-17 Core Magnus.  It can be perfectly combined with official LG-14 IDW Ultra Magnus from Takara Tommy (See product photos for details), really economic choice as an upgrade kit for LG-14   Parameters: Producer KUBIANBAO ( KBB ) Size Robot Form Approx. 15cm (6 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Transformable upgrading kit for LG-14 IDW Ultra Magnus    
Kubianbao KBB Combat Commander GT-05 GT05 1:1 KO (Optimus Prime) 11cm
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Features: This KBB Combat Commander  is a 1:1 KO version of the classic pocket size GT-05 Optimus prime with decent quality. Fantastic movability comparing to other pocket - size toy enables it to make as many different postures as you wish.    Parameters: Producer KUBIANBAO ( KBB ) Size Robot Form Approx. 12cm (4.75 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Building set, can transform into T-rex after finished.     
Kubianbao KBB MP21 MP21 Bumble Bee (Oversize) 18cm
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Features: KBB MP21 Bumblebee is an Oversized Version of MP21 (18cm, 7 Inches), a size compatible with MPP10 Optimus Prime (WEIJIANG). More accessories and alloy (diecast) upgraded part. Comparison of KBB MP21 and Official MP21. Parameters: Producer KUBIANBAO ( KBB ) Size Robot Form Approx. 18cm (7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Diecast  Shipment From China Note Oversized version of official MP21      
Kubianbao KBB MP-10V MP10V-B (Minified MP10 Optimus Prime)Black Version 20cm /7.5"
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Features:  Black Version KBB MP10V is an excellent minified version of MP10 Optimus with the perfect duplication (or upgrade) of movability, painting, and electroplating.   A more suitable size to play with by hand. (See below photo the comparison of size, From front to back, KBB MP10V, Official MP10, WJ MPP10 ) Adjusted body proportion (longer legs) makes the whole figure looks more slim and better-balanced.  Upgraded Alloy Parts includes: Matrix of Leadership, pistol, sword of Judgement, window frames, waist armor, all 6 hubs, 2 feet.  * This figure doesn't include the tailer, to buy the trailer pls click:Buy the MP10V Trailer here. Paramters: Producer KUBIANBAO ( KBB ) Size Robot Form Approx. 20cm (8 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy Shipment From China Note Minified Version of Official MP10 Optimus       
Kubianbao KBB MP11SW MP-11 Skywarp 23cm
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Features: KO version of MP11 from KBB, same size, quality is decent.  Whole pack contains:  1 x Skywarp with accessories (see pictures)1 x Megatron Gun1 x Crown + Cape Parameters:  MISB, No diecast, 23cm (9 inches tall) in height. 
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