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Collection Space CS-01 CS01 Transformable Bishoujo Little Bee (Bumblebee Mecha Girl) 17.5cm / 6.9"

Features:  This is a transformable bishoujo in homage to G1 Bumblebee. It tranforms into a Beetles car. The whole set includes:  - 1 x Main figure- 4 x Changeable faces- 4 x Changeable hands- 2 x Weapons- 1 x Shield- 1 x Base stand (with a retractable drawer)   Status: 2024-1 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Cyber Era Size Robot Form Approx. 22cm (8.7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note N/A    
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Pangu Toys PT-07 PT07 Flame Blade (Modified Iron Factory EX45, Yoroi Shishimaru Lio Convoy Leo Prime) Red Version 15cm / 5.9"
$39.99 $44.99

Features:  Modified Iron Factory EX48 Hannyamaru (Samurai Cyclonus). It transforms into a red armed lion. The whole set includes: 1 x Main figure; 2 x Katanas ;  1 x Short katana; 2 x Sheaths; 12 x Changeable hands 1 x Flame axe;   Status: 2023-10 In stock. Parameters: Producer Pangu Toys Size 15cm / 5.9" Rotbot Mode Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note inspired by IF EX45          
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Pangu Toys PT-05 PT05 Fury Bee (Bumblebee The Wreckers Mode,Modified Studio Series SS49) 13cm / 5"
$34.99 $39.99

Features:  Modified Studio Series SS49 Bumblebee.  The whole set includes: 1 x Main figure; 2 x Propellers;  2 x Fire effect parts; 1 x Spike bumpers; 4 x Wheel spikes;  1 x Hand cannon; 1 x Laser cannon; 1 x Changeable head.   Status: 2023-9 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Pangu Toys Size 13cm / 5" Rotbot Mode Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note inspired by SS bumblebee    
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NA NewAge H25 H-25 H26 H-26 Herbie and Vanishing Point (Bumblebee 2.0 and Cliffjumper) 2 in 1 pack New Age 5.5cm / 2"

Features:  This new Herbie and Vanishing Point ( in homage to G1 Bumblebee and Cliffjumper), brought by NewAge ( A new 3rd party Transformer studio focusing on pocket size toys) include the 2.0 version Bumblebee with several updated features as below: - Feet can be totally grounded in different angles.  - Rotatable elbows and fists. - Extremely high articulation.  - Rotatable and bendable waist joint.   Status:  2023-9 Reissue batch In stock.  3mins Swift Transform Video by Touch Toys:   Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size Robot Form Approx. 5.5cm (2 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy    
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NA NewAge H25K H-25K H26T H-26T Candyman and Bickle (Bug Bite and Hubcap) 2 in 1 pack New Age 5.5cm / 2"

Features:  This H25K & H26T Candyman and Bickle in homage to G1 Bugbite and Hubcap are the repainted version of H25&26 Herbie and Vanishing Point  brought by NewAge ( A new 3rd party Transformer studio focusing on pocket size toys)  with several updated features as below: - Feet can be totally grounded in different angles.  - Rotatable elbows and fists. - Extremely high articulation.  - Rotatable and bendable waist joint.   Status:  2021-7 A few sets In stock.  3mins Swift Transform Video by Touch Toys:   Parameters: Producer NewAge (NA) Size Robot Form Approx. 5.5cm (2 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legends class toy    
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4th Party MP45 MP-45 Bumblebee Version 2.0 12cm / 5"
$53.99 $65.99

Features:  *Note: This is direct copy version with all accessories as well as the original MP color box.  Pros: Painting and material are close to official version, almost no deviation on the dimensions of the parts.  Cons: There're possibility for the joints to be too loose or too tight, customers need to do the treatment by themselves while the problem is met.  Here comes MP-45 Version 2.0 Bumblebee. A completely brand new Bumblebee in the Masterpiece line from the official, with more cartoon-accurate styling and a lot more accessories.  Whole Set includes:  1 × Bumblebee Main figure 1 × Spike Minifigure 1 × Ion Blaster 1 × Blaster effect part 2 × Changeable face plates 1 × License plate   Status: 2023-7 New batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Takara Tommy Size Robot Form Approx. 12cm (5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic  Shipment From China Note KO Version.  
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Collection Space CS-02 CS02 Transformable Bishoujo Little Red (Cliffjumper Mecha Girl) 17.5cm / 6.9"

Features:  This is a transformable bishoujo in homage to G1 Cliffjumper. It tranforms into a red Beetles car. The whole set includes:  - 1 x Main figure- 3 x Changeable faces- 6 x Changeable hands- 2 x Weapons- 1 x Shield- 1 x Base stand (with a retractable drawer)   Status: 2024-6 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Cyber Era Size Robot Form Approx. 22cm (8.7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note N/A    


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