BMB / Black Mamba

Infinite Transformation IT02 IT-02 Dinobot Beast War (Not MP41 MP-41) MP Size 26cm / 10"
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Features: *Note: Current reissue batch may have some tiny modification on its structure. This IT02 is a direct 1:1 copy of MP41 Dinobot Beast war with decent quality.    Status: 2022-12 New batch in stock on sale.    Parameters:  Producer Infinite Transformation (IT) Size Robot Form Approx. 26cm (10 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy Shipment From China Note Originate from MP41, Same size.     
Infinite Transformation IT01 IT-01 Emperor of Destruction (Not MP36 MP-36 Megatron) MP Size 25cm / 10"
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Features: *Note: (1) 2*LR44 Battery is needed for the barrel of the figure (original batteries would be removed from the figure for convenience in shipment). Chinese and English voice chip available for the barrel; (2) The material of some joints (Ankles, knees) have been changed to enhance the durability.  This IT01 Emperor of Destruction is said to be one of the best non-official MP36 according to several reviewers in China. (especially the perfect marginal adaptation of the pistrol form. ) Infinite Transformation is said to to be the sub-brand of Black Mamba (BMB), so it inherit the consistent quality control of BMB.  More Accessories and weapons. ( The latest reissue batch contains one hand cannon only. ). Upgraded Alloy parts (Legs and Feet), Same size as MP36 (best size to play with)   Status: 2023-8 Reissued batch in stock.    Parameters:  Producer Infinite Transformation (IT) Size Robot Form Approx. 25cm (10...
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BMB Black Mamba LS-03F LS03F (KM01S/ KM-01S)Ovsersized Bayverse Optimus Prime 32cm
$99.99 $129.99

Features: *Note:Current batch is with the “KM-01S”code. 3*Lr41 batteries are needed for the Ion blaster This LS03F (Oversized MPM04) by Black Mamba (one of the best 3rd / 4th party transformer producer) is the upgraded version of LS03. More detailed painting added to the body comparing to MPM04 Shoulders and Chest re-adjusted to make the whole figure more coordinated and closer to the image in the movie.  Upgraded Alloy / Diecast parts. (Shoulders, Feet, make them less vulnerable in transformation) Replaceable Rubber Tyres, More accesories and weapons (Blades, Hooks, Axe, Pistols ) This one can be a special addition to your TF showcase.    Status 2022-5 New batch in stock.   Parameters Producer Black Mamba (BMB) Size Robot Form Approx. 32cm (13 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy Shipment From China Note Upgraded version of LS03, Oversized version of MPM04       
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【Loose Pack】Mechanical Alliance SX-01 SX01 Thunder Warrior ( Bumblebee Movie Blitzwing) 27cm / 10.5cm
$74.99 $149.99

Features: Note: (1) This is a reissue version with no worn painting (see photos for details); (2) The product is brand new but would be shipped without its original box for convenience. (3) 2 x LR41 for the head This SX01 Thunder Warrior is originally designed by Mechanical Alliance, in homage to Blitzwing in the latest Bumblebee movie. It transforms into a Jet fighter and is of high articulation as shown in the movie.    Status: 2023-5 Reissue version in stock.    Parameters:  Producer Mechanical Alliance,  probably Sub-brand of Black Mamba (BMB) Size 25-30cm tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy Shipment From China Note Blitzwing    
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Original Venerable OV-01 OV01 SP ( Modified Studio Series SS61 Sentinel Prime) 32cm / 12cm
$99.99 $159.99

Features: This OV01 SP is designed by Original Venerable (probably another avatar of BMB), in homage to the image of Sentinel Prime in the latest Bayverse movie with some modification and upgrade in its design. It transforms into a fire truck and is of high articulation as shown in the movie.  Battery for the head light: 2 x LR41 button    Status: 2022-3 New batch in stock.    Parameters:  Producer Original Venerable  probably Sub-brand of Black Mamba (BMB) Size 33cm tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy Shipment From China Note Not Sentinel Prime  
Mechanical Alliance SX-02P SX02P Soundwave ( Bumblebee Movie ) 27cm / 10.5cm
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Features: *Note: The current version is with simplified painting and much lower price. This SX02 Soundwave is originally designed by Mechanical Alliance, in homage to the image of Soundwave in the latest Bumblebee movie. It transforms into a Cybertronian tank and is of high articulation as shown in the movie.  The whole set includes: - 1 x Soundwave main figure - 1 x Ravage figure - 1 x Blue fire effect part - 1 x Laser gun  - 1 x Shoulder cannon The figure features:  - Fully articulated hand - Transformable statue-class robot  - Lightable laser gun & eyes.  - Portable ravage figure Product photo c/o @Mr.龙先生 via Baidu Tieba,@10dgalaxy via Weibo   Status: 2022-2 Simplified verasion in stock.   Parameters:  Producer Mechanical Alliance,  probably Sub-brand of Black Mamba (BMB) Size 25-30cm tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy Shipment From China Note Soundwave    
【Loose Pack】Zeus Toys ZS-01 ZS01 Oversized Studio Series Shockwave (KO SS-56) 35cm / 14"
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Features: *Note:This item is BRAND NEW but would be shipped without its original box to guarantee the best price and speed. A new figure in homage to the official SS56 Shockwave (from the Bayverse Movie) is brought by a new 3rd / 4th party transformer studio Zeus Toys (should be the sub-brand of Black Mamba BMB) . This figure is said to be of enhanced details, bigger size as well as some parts being modified and improved.  Product photo c/o Magnus Prime手术室(Ratchet Studio)   Status: 2023-9 Reissue batch in stock. With current batch the hip joints have been enhanced.    Parameters:  Producer Zeus Toys, Sub-brand of Black Mamba (BMB) Size Robot Form Approx. 35cm (14 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy Shipment From China Note KO SS-56    
BMB Black Mamba LS-03P LS03P Ovsersized Bayverse Optimus Prime 32cm
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Features: Black Redeco of LS03 (Oversized MPM04) by Black Mamba (one of the best 3rd / 4th party transformer producer), meet the dark commander here.  More detailed painting added to the body comparing to MPM04 Shoulders and Chest re-adjusted to make the whole figure more coordinated and closer to the image in the movie.  Upgraded Alloy / Diecast parts. (Shoulders, Feet, make them less vulnerable in transformation) Replaceable Rubber Tyres, More accesories and weapons (Blades, Hooks, Axe, Pistols ) This one can be a special addition to your TF showcase.    Status 2020-11 New batch in stock.   Parameters Producer Black Mamba (BMB) Size Robot Form Approx. 32cm (13 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy Shipment From China Note Black Redeco Oversized version of MPM04       
BMB Black Mamba LS-01 LS01 Ares Nitrogen OS (Oversized Voyage Class Nitro Zeus ) 27cm
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Features: *Note: Current verssion doesn't include the hose (connector to the backpack.) BMB LS-01 Ares Nitrogen is an oversized version of the official SS-06 by BMB Black Mamba (One of the best 4th / 3rd party transformer producer), it is an all-round upgraded version which can transform from robot into a jet fighter. The toy set also includes a exchangeable head from Shockwave.  Status: 2021-12 Reissue batch In stock   Parameters:  Producer Black Mamba (BMB) Size Robot Form Approx. 27cm (10.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note Oversized version of Official Voyage Class Decepticon Nitro    
BMB Black Mamba LS-04 LS04 Starscream OS Oversized SS-06 SS06 27cm
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Features: BMB LS-04 Stars is an oversized version of the official SS-06 by BMB Black Mamba (One of the best 4th / 3rd party transformer producer), it is an all-round upgraded version with features as below: - 5 more delicate weapons (accessories) added ( Missiles, Turbine propellers, Hand gatlins, rear wings, transparent hand saws) - Alloy parts added to skirt armor and feet.  - Flexibility of ankle joint significantly improved - Both Jet and robot forms are with camouflage painting.  - Moveable hands and fingers are added.  - Improved details of the head. This one can be a special addition to your TF showcase. Status: 2019-11 In stock   Parameters:  Producer Black Mamba (BMB) Size Robot Form Approx. 27cm (10.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note Oversized version of Official SS-06 Starscream    


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