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Tim Heada TH038B TH038B Propellers & Gun for Legacy Evolution Devcon Upgrade Kit
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Features: A new set of Upgrade kit by Tim Heada for Legacy Evolution Devcon Whole set includes: 2 x Propellers 1 x Laser gun Note: - The products are painted as shown on the product photo.- Main toy figure (Blurr) is not included in the weapon set.    Status: 2023-6 In stock.    Parameters:  Producer Tim Heada Size Fit to Legacy Evolution Devcon Material SLA Resin  Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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Tim Heada TH040 TH040 Weapon Connector for Studio Series SS88 Sideways Upgrade Kit

Features: A new set of Upgrade kit by Tim Heada for Studio Series SS88 Sideways. Whole set includes:   1 x Weapon connector  It allows the figure to carry the original weapon on the vehicle mode in 2 different ways.  Note: - Main toy figure (Blurr) is not included in the weapon set.    Status: 2022-9 In stock.    Parameters:  Producer Tim Heada Size Fit to Legacy Velocitron Speedia 500 IDW Blurr Material SLA Resin  Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
Tim Heada TH038 TH038 Propellers & Gap fillers for Legacy Velocitron Speedia 500 Collection Deluxe IDW Blurr Upgrade Kit
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Features: A new set of Upgrade kit by Tim Heada for Legacy Velocitron Speedia 500 Blurr Whole set includes: 2 x Propellers 6 x Gap fillers for the fore-arm and the hips.  Note: - The products are painted as shown on the product photo.- Main toy figure (Blurr) is not included in the weapon set.    Status: 2022-9 In stock.    Parameters:  Producer Tim Heada Size Fit to Legacy Velocitron Speedia 500 IDW Blurr Material SLA Resin  Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
Tim Heada TH037 TH037 Articulated Connector for Propellers MPM13 MPM-13 Blackout Upgrade Kit
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Features: A new set of Upgrade kit by Tim Heada for MPM13 Blackout.  Whole set includes: 1 x articulated connector for the propellers It allows Blackout to hold the propellers with different angles for a better pose.  Note:- Main toy figure (Blitzwing) is not included in the weapon set.    Status: 2022-9 In stock.    Parameters:  Producer Tim Heada Size Fit to MPM13 Blackout Material SLA Resin  Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
Tim Heada TH036 TH036 Shoulder Armors for WFC Legacy Series Leader Blitzwing Upgrade Kit
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Features: Painted upgrade kits by Tim Heada for WFC Legacy Series Leader Blitzwing.  Whole set includes:   2 x shoulder amors (can be connected and filling the incomplete front side of the tank mode.) 2 x gap fillers (for the shoulder) Note: 1. The product come in painted (same as what you seen from the photos) 2. Main toy figure (Blitzwing) is not included in the weapon set.    Status: New batch coming in early Sep, 2022. Full payment acceptable.    Parameters:  Producer Tim Heada Size Fit to WFC Legacy Blitzwing Material SLA Resin  Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
Tim Heada TH035B TH035B Melee Weapon Set (Claws & Blades) for WFC Generations Kingdom Deluxe Shadow Panther Upgrade Kit
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Features: *Note: This is the black version designed for WFC Gnerations Shadow Panther. Painted upgrade kits by Tim Heada for WFC Kingdom Cheetor. The blade can be installed on the tail of the disguise mode.  Whole set includes: 2 x paws 2 x claws 1 x blade (tail) Note: 1. The product come in painted (same as what you seen from the photos) 2. Main toy figure (Cheetor) is not included in the weapon set.    Status: 2021-11 Trial batch in stock . Parameters:  Producer Tim Heada Size Fit to WFC Kingdom Cheetor Material SLA Resin  Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
Tim Heada TH035A TH035A Melee Weapon Set (Claws & Blades) for WFC Kingdom Deluxe Cheetor Upgrade Kit
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Features: Painted upgrade kits by Tim Heada for WFC Kingdom Cheetor. The blade can be installed on the tail of the disguise mode.  Whole set includes: 2 x paws 2 x claws 1 x blade (tail) Note: 1. The product come in painted (same as what you seen from the photos) 2. Main toy figure (Cheetor) is not included in the weapon set.    Status: 2021-11 Trial batch in stock . Parameters:  Producer Tim Heada Size Fit to WFC Kingdom Cheetor Material SLA Resin  Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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Tim Heada TH034 TH034 Weapon Set for POTP / WFC Kingdom Rodimus Prime Upgrade Kit
$11.99 $15.99

Features: Painted upgrade kits by Tim Heada for WFC Kingdom Rodimus Prime. The weapon can be installed on the tail of the car mode. It can also be combined with the original weapons of this set.  Note: 1. The product come in painted (same as what you seen from the photos) 2. Main toy figure (Waspinator) is not included in the weapon set.    Status: 2021-11 Trial batch  In stock . Parameters:  Producer Tim Heada Size Fit to WFC Kingdom Waspinator Material SLA Resin  Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
Tim Heada TH033 TH033 Weapon Set for WFC Kingdom Deluxe Waspinator Upgrade Kit
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Features: Painted upgrade kits by Tim Heada for WFC Kingdom Deluxe Waspinator. The weapon can be installed either on the head or tail of the wasp mode.  Note: 1. The product come in painted (same as what you seen from the photos) 2. Main toy figure (Waspinator) is not included in the weapon set.    Status: 2021-10 Trial batch  In stock . Parameters:  Producer Tim Heada Size Fit to WFC Kingdom Waspinator Material SLA Resin  Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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Tim Heada TH024W TH024W Crossbow Weapon Set for WFC Kingdom Maximal Skywarp Beastwars BW Upgrade Kit

Features: Note: This is the white version for WFC Kingdom Maximal Skywarp (Beast Wars) Painted upgrade kits by Tim Heada for WFC Kingdom Airazor. The whole set includes: 2 x Daggers 1 x Laser gun  The 3 weapons can be combined into a crossbow.  Note: 1. The product come in painted (same as what you seen from the photos) 2. Main toy figure (Airazor) is not included in the weapon set.    Status: 2021-10 Trial batch  In stock . Parameters:  Producer Tim Heada Size Fit to WFC Kingdom Airazor Material SLA Resin  Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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Tim Heada TH032 TH032 Weapon Set for WFC Kingdom Deluxe Scorpion Upgrade Kit
$9.99 $14.99

Features: Painted upgrade kits by Tim Heada for WFC Kingdom Deluxe Scorpion. The whole set includes: 2 x Missle Launchers (can be installed in the claws) 1 x Broadsword (can be installed on the tail)    Note: 1. The product come in painted (same as what you seen from the photos) 2. Main toy figure (Airazor) is not included in the weapon set.    Status: 2021-8 Trial batch  In stock . Parameters:  Producer Tim Heada Size Fit to WFC Kingdom Scorpion Material SLA Resin  Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
Tim Heada TH031 TH031 Double Daggers Weapon Set for WFC Kingdom Voyage Rhinox Upgrade Kit
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Features: Painted upgrade kits by Tim Heada for WFC Kingdom Airazor. The whole set includes:  2 x Daggers The two daggers can be transformed into Double hooks or combined into a double-headed blade. It can also be carried on the shoulders of the Rhino mode.    Note: 1. The product come in painted (same as what you seen from the photos) 2. Main toy figure (Airazor) is not included in the weapon set.    Status: 2021-7 Trial batch  In stock . Parameters:  Producer Tim Heada Size Fit to WFC Kingdom Rhinox Material SLA Resin  Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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Tim Heada TH024 TH024 Crossbow Weapon Set for WFC Kingdom Deluxe Airazor Upgrade Kit

Features: Painted upgrade kits by Tim Heada for WFC Kingdom Airazor. The whole set includes:   2 x Daggers 1 x Laser gun  The 3 weapons can be combined into a crossbow.    Note: 1. The product come in painted (same as what you seen from the photos) 2. Main toy figure (Airazor) is not included in the weapon set.    Status: 2021-5 Trial batch  In stock . Parameters:  Producer Tim Heada Size Fit to WFC Kingdom Airazor Material SLA Resin  Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
Transformers Generations War for Cybertron WFC-E22 Earthrise Voyager Quintesson Judge
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Features:  This WFC Earthrise (Voyager Class) is an official version in Chinese market, not KO. We got a few sets in stock.   Status: 2020-10 A few sets in stock.    Parameters: Producer Official  Size N/A Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note N/A  
Transformers Power of the Primes POTP Rodimus Prime
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Features:  This POTP Rodimus Prime (Leader Class) is an official version in China's mainland market, not KO. We got a few stock with most favorable price.  Status: 2019-9 A few set in stock. Parameters: Producer Official  Size Same size as official version.  Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note N/A  
Transformers Power of the Primes POTP Optimal Optimus
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Features:  This POTP Optimal Optimus    Parameters: Producer Official release Size N/A  Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Not KO  


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