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Pocket Toys TS03 TS-03 Defender (Shockwave, KO IF EX21) PocketToys 10cm / 4"
$19.99 $29.99

Features:  This TS03 Defender by Pocket Toys (3rd party / 4th Party Transformer manufacturer focusing on pocket-size toys) is a 1:1 K.O. version of Iron Factory EX-21 Bridge Watcher.  Status:  2019-3 In stock Parameters: Producer Pocket Toys Size Robot Form Approx. 10cm (4 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note 1:1 KO IF EX21 Bridge Watcher    
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Xtransbots XTB MX-17 MX17 Savant (Skids, MP Scale) X-transbots 16cm/6.5'
$49.99 $79.99

Features: This MX-17 Savant by Xtransbots (A famous 3rd party transformer studio) is a deformation robot with its size perfectly matching official MP series (in homage to G1 Skids). It can transform into a small blue sedan with vivid painting.  Highlights in design:- 3 doors can be opened in the alt mode of the Dirac mode - Seats inside sedan - Steering wheel - Moped bike compatible inside the trunk - Ab crunch of the Dirac robot mode - Die cast parts used in thighs/feet, torso and weak connectors- Rubber tyres - Tinted black window - Metallic painted car shell, with texture very close to a real car- Double joints in Knees Whole set includes:2 × shot guns. 1 × Moped bike1 × Bio card.   Status:  2023-12 Reissue batch in stock.    Parameters:  Producer Xtransbots Size Robot Form Approx. 16cm (6.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Diecast parts Shipment From China Note MP Size
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BMB Black Mamba LS-01 LS01 Ares Nitrogen OS (Oversized Voyage Class Nitro Zeus ) 27cm
$49.99 $59.99

Features: *Note: Current verssion doesn't include the hose (connector to the backpack.) BMB LS-01 Ares Nitrogen is an oversized version of the official SS-06 by BMB Black Mamba (One of the best 4th / 3rd party transformer producer), it is an all-round upgraded version which can transform from robot into a jet fighter. The toy set also includes a exchangeable head from Shockwave.  Status: 2021-12 Reissue batch In stock   Parameters:  Producer Black Mamba (BMB) Size Robot Form Approx. 27cm (10.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note Oversized version of Official Voyage Class Decepticon Nitro    
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BMB Black Mamba LS-05 LS05 (HMK04 HMK-04) Grimlock OS Oversized SS-07 SS07 38cm
$99.99 $129.99

Features: *Note: Curreng batch DOESN'T include the mini OP Figure (shown on the photo), the product code would be changed from LS05 to HMK-04. BMB LS-05 Grimlock is an oversized version of the official SS-07 by BMB Black Mamba (One of the best 4th / 3rd party transformer producer), it is an all-round upgraded version with features as below: - Collectible-grade metalic painting with distressed effect added - More parts are added to make the disguise form (T-Rex) more complete - Hammers and maces added as weapons  - Movable hands - LED lights added to the eyes of both the robot form and T-rex form. - Some alloy parts added, with the accessories can also be equipped to the T-rex form.  - Size perfectly compatible with SS-05 Optimus Prime This one can be a special addition to your TF showcase. Status: 2023-3 New batch in stock. Current batch doesn't include the Mini OP figure.    Parameters: ...


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