Go Better Studio

Go Better Studio GX-05 Uptrade Kit for WFC Siege Impactor ( Upgrade Kit+ Gap Fillers)
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Features: A newly designed upgrade kit for WFC Siege Impactor by GX Studio. Till now this is the most complete set for impactor and would bring you a genuine Impactor in IDW comics.  As we promised, we continue to introduce to you more interesting 3D-printed upgrade set from local designers in China.   Whole set includes: 1 × set of Gap fillers for shoulder, back, legs, arms 1 × shoulder cannon ( more close to Impactor's cannon in IDW comics) 2 × Leg armors (to enhance the base of the tank mode) Note: 1. Only painted set is available for this set.  2. The main toy figure ( ratchet ) is not included in the weapon set.  3. All painting is done manually, minor defects can not be avoided, it's better for you to buy unpainted garage kits and customize the color by yourself if you have strict requirement on the painting. 4. All gap filler...
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Go Better Studio GX-02 Slingshot for Transformers Titans Return Wheelie Weapon Set

Features: A  portable slingshot for Wheelie. Comparing to Dr.Wu's similar weapon set, this slingshot is of more details with a hook on the back (making it portable for both robot and vehicle modes.) As we promised, we continue to introduce to you more interesting 3D-printed upgrade set from local designers in China. This is a new weapon set for Titans Return Wheelie to make it looks closer to its image in G1 animation.  This set is painted (as what you see in the product photos). Whole set includes: 1 × Portable slingshot  Note:1. The product come in painted (same as what you seen from the photos).2. The main toy figure (Wheelie) is not includes in the weapon set.  3. The weapon is not polished, buyer may need to polish it a little bit by themselves.    Status: 2020-3 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer GX Size Fit to Titans Return Wheelie Material PLA Shipment From...
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Go Better Studio GX-01 Laser Cannon for Transformers Combiner Wars Sky Lynx Weapon Set

Features: As we promised, we continue to introduce to you more interesting 3D-printed upgrade set from local designers in China. This is a new weapon set for Combiner Wars Sky Lynx to make it looks closer to its image in G1 animation.  This set is painted (as what you see in the product photos). Whole set includes: 1 × Mouth laser cannon for upper jaw of Sky lynx1 × kit for lower jaw of Sky lynx Note:1. The product come in painted (same as what you seen from the photos).2. The main toy figure (Sky Lynx) is not includes in the weapon set.  3. The weapon is not polished, buyer may need to polish it a little bit by themselves.    Status: 2019-10 In stock   Parameters:  Producer SKW Size Fit to Combiner Wars Sky Lynx Material PLA Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 


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