FT / Fans Toys

4th Party No Brand KO MPM-13 MPM13 Blackout
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Features: *Note: Two buy options for this figure. Make sure you choose the right one.  The orignal packing comes with plastic tray only. There is no outer color box designed for this figure. This is a 1:1 KO version of MPM11 without modification. Pros: Almost no difference in painting & materials; Cons:  For some batches the belly and head of the helicopter mode is hard to be closed up.   Status: 2023-10 New batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer 4th party No brand Size 1:1 KO MPM11 Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size Blackout  
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FansToys FT-48 FT48 Jive (Jazz) Fans Toys 16cm / 6.3"

Features: Another masterpiece by Fanstoys, in homage to G1 Jazz.   Status: 2023-12 New batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Fanstoys (FT) Size 16cm / 6.3" Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size Jazz  
FansToys FT-53 FT53 Parkour (Cliffjumper) Fans Toys 13cm / 5.7"
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Features: Another masterpiece by Fanstoys, in homage to G1 Parkour.   Status: 2023-5 A few sets in stock.   Parameters: Producer Fanstoys (FT) Size 16cm / 6.3" Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size Cliffjumper  
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FansToys FT-44T FT44T Thomas (Astrotrain) Fans Toys US Version 24cm / 9.5"
$209.99 $219.99

Features: *Note: This is the limited US Version with a white color scheme Another masterpiece by Fanstoys, in homage to G1 Astrotrain.   Status: 2023-5 A few sets in stock.   Parameters: Producer Fanstoys (FT) Size 24cm / 9.5" Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size Astrotrain  
FansToys FT-55 FT55 Recorder (Blaster) + Fast Forward (Rewind) Fans Toys 23cm / 90"
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Features: Another masterpiece by Fanstoys, in homage to G1 Blaster. The whole set includes: - 1 x Main figure - 1 x Fast Forward figure (casatte warrior) - 1 x Changeable head - 4 x Changeable face - 1 x Ion blaster gun - 2 x Speakers   Status: 2023-6 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Fanstoys (FT) Size 24cm / 9.5" Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size Astrotrain  
FansToys FansToys FT-18 FT18 Lupus (Wierdwolf MP size) Reissue 24cm / 9.6"
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Features: Reissued by Fanstoys, it transforms into a battle wolf with its head as the mini-pilot.   Status: 2023-7 Reissue batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Fanstoys (FT) Size Robot Form Approx. 24cm (9.6 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size Skullcrusher  
FansToys FT-55B FT55B Cassette Warriors (Steeljaw, Ramhorn & Eject) 3 in 1 Set Fans Toys 23cm / 90"
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Features: Another masterpiece by Fanstoys, in homage to the Cassette warriors of G1 Blaster   Status: 2023-8 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Fanstoys (FT) Size MP-Size Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size Blaster Cassettes  
FansToys FansToys FT-54 FT54 Warthog (Powerglide MP size) Reissue 18cm / 7"
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Features: Reissued by Fanstoys, it transforms into a battle wolf with its head as the mini-pilot.   Status: 2023-7 Reissue batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Fanstoys (FT) Size Robot Form Approx. 24cm (9.6 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size Skullcrusher  
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FansToys FT-57 FT57 Tubes (Not G1 Pipes MP) Fans Toys 16cm / 6.30"

Features: Another masterpiece by Fanstoys, in homage to G1 Pipes. It transforms into a deep blue trailer.    Status: 2022-9 New batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Fanstoys (FT) Size 16cm / 6.30" Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size Huffer  
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FansToys FT-58 FT58 Diverge (Not G1 Swerve MP) Fans Toys 16cm / 6.30"
$99.99 $109.99

Features: Another masterpiece by Fanstoys, in homage to G1 Swerve. It transforms into a Red pick-up.    Status: 2023-11 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Fanstoys (FT) Size 16cm / 6.30" Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size Huffer  
FansToys FT-56 FT56 Variator (Not G1 Gears MP) Fans Toys 16cm / 6.30"
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Features: Another masterpiece by Fanstoys, in homage to G1 Gears. It transforms into a Blue pick-up.    Status: 2023-11 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Fanstoys (FT) Size 16cm / 6.30" Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size Huffer  
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FansToys FT-61 FT61 Inquisitor (Not G1 Scourge MP) Fans Toys 23cm / 9"

Features: Another masterpiece by Fanstoys, in homage to G1 Scourge. It transforms into a Blue spaceship.    Status: 2024-3 1st batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Fanstoys (FT) Size 23cm / 9" Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size Scourge  
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FansToys FT-30D FT30D Viper (Fireflight of Superion Ethereaon, Aerialbots) Fans Toys 22cm / 8.7"

Features: Leftleg of Fanstoys' 4th combiner Ethereaon (Superion), in homage to G1 Fireflight. The most G1 cartoon-accurate Fireflight.  It transforms into a jet fighter as well as the left arm of the combiner.   Status: 2024-5 In stock.   Parameters: Producer Fanstoys (FT) Size Robot Form Approx. 22cm (8.7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size, left arm of Ethereaon (Superion)  
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Robot Paradise RP-02 RP02 Acoustic Blaster & Night Bat ( Sound Blaster & Ratbat, Fans Toys Fanstoys) 23cm / 9"

Features: MP size Acoustic Blaster in homage to G1 Sound Blaster, it comes with Night Bat (Small and purple mechanic bat which transforms into a cassette).   Status: 2024-6 1st batch in stock.    Parameters: Producer Robot Paradise ( Probably avatar of Fanstoys (FT)) Size 23cm / 9" Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size Sound Blaster  
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Robot Paradise RP-01C RP01C Casette Warriors ( Buzzsaw, Overkill, Autoscout, Slugfest) 4 in 1 Set pack

Features: MP size Casette Warriors in homage to Buzzsaw / Overkill / Autoscout / Slugfest, It's a 4 in 1 set pack. All of the figures can transform from casettes into different warriors in MP-size   Status: 2024-7 1st batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Robot Paradise ( Probably avatar of Fanstoys (FT)) Size MP-Size Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note MP size Cassette Warriors  


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